
Toddlers And Tiaras Essay

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Unfortunately, the negative effects only continue, becoming increasingly harmful. In addition to being ripped away from friends and missing out on chances to have a regular lifestyle, a 2013 study done by the American Psychological Association asserts that all pageants do is teach young girls “to see themselves as objects to be looked at and evaluated for their appearance.” Children who enter the pageant world are suddenly drilled with unrealistic beauty expectations, telling young kids with impressionable minds that they can only win if they are pretty. This negative ideology only contributes to negative body image, which can be extremely detrimental and have long term consequences. For instance, the British Journal of Psychology reported …show more content…

Critic and former pageant star Laura Brown has made her stance clear on the issue, arguing that they force children to be too sexy too soon. The TLC show Toddlers and Tiaras has shown some of the crazier sides of pageantry, including a mothers who have sent their little girls on stage in a Madonna inspired bra, butt pads, or even worse, a full blown hooker costume. Laura laments that while these examples might seem over the top, there is definitely some truth to it. During her pageant career, she found herself being pressured to wax her eyebrows, tan, stuff her bra, diet for the swimsuit and wear padding underneath her clothing, all before the sixth grade. She explains to the Huffington Post on 2015 that a huge focus during competitions are aiming to make participants look as old as possible. According to Brown, “If you're telling a 6-year-old to act like a 16-year-old, you're telling her to be seductive and to be sexy." [author P7]. Similarly, the president of Minor Consideration, Paul Peterson, has also worked to stress this point to parents, he told the [] that the extensions, midriff bearing tops, and fake nails are “feeding the sex industry,” [P4]. And that it “only encourages the already tremendous trade within juvenile

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