
Token Economies In Special Education

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The special education population in public schools is continuously increasing. Nearly every classroom has a learner/s with special learning accommodations or modifications. Whether the student population is moderate or severe, homework completion is a problematic area. For the last two years, I have worked in a substantially separate language based classroom in a middle school south of Boston. The lack of homework completion within this classroom has caused lower test scores. Thus, implementing a plan to increase homework completion rates of students with learning disabilities is a top priority of the special education department. Token economy systems are commonly used within the classroom for on-task behavior promotion. Based on past studies using token economies within the classroom, I believe that there will be a correlation between homework completion and motivation through the use of a token economy.
A major concern in special education is the on going low rate of homework completion. “Homework performance is defined as the process that occurs when a learner begins, continues to work on, and completes school assignments at home or in another out-of –school setting” (Hong, Milgram, & Rowell, 2004, p. 198). Homework is assigned to both students with learning disabilities and without. …show more content…

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects a token reinforcement would have on classwork completion in a middle school setting. Tokens were distributed to the students who demonstrated on-task behavior and completed work. Children were in charge of tracking their number or tokens (points). The results of this study showed that, in general, there was an increase in assignment completion and assignment accuracy. Additional results illustrated that depending on the individual, the value of the token

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