
Tom Stealed: A Narrative Fiction

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When that was decided, Tommy Barnes said that he wanted to go home. We said that we would all go home and meet again the following week. At that time, we would plan whom we would steal money from and kill. We would also plan on what the initiation would be for the club. In the club there was me, Tom, ben, Joe, and two other kids which’s name sI didn’t know. For a second we all stood there then bam! Tom just had an idea and it was a pretty darn good one too, at least that's what I thought. He said, “If we are to plot on who we steal from we should do it now see who’s worthy. We were gonna kill people, we don't want to have any witnesses only if you have two . When I heard what Tom said i was amazed and thought this plan was actually gonna work …show more content…

SInce there were five of us now we split up into two me and Tom, Ben And Joe . Me and Tom stayed in the cave will the others left. We planned and planned until Tom came up with an Idea. While Tom and I were planning, Ben the and the others were coming up with an idea of trying steal from. Then they came up with the idea of robbing judge Thatcher. “Lets rob the judge of Huck's money, said Joe,”Tell Huck its the judge Thatcher’s money not his. After they thought of robbing judge Thatcher they found his and climbed through his window very quietly, they left it open in case anything happened, Joe and the other kid got caught so then ben made a run for it before he got caught. While the others got caught Tom and I were still planning I came up with an Idea.
I said, We should climb into the small boat and travel back two miles down the river. “Good Idea, said Tom, “We better get going.” We started walking torward the small boat when all of sudden we heard Ben yelling our names and we looked to see him running towards us. He said “ The others got caught while we tried robbing judge Thatcher.” I wasmfurrious at them for trying to tob the

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