I had volunteered for Tomchei Shabbos as a teenager, but my experience this time was different. “Tomchei Shabbos” translates to “Sabbath Supporters/The Supporters of the Sabbath”. As Jews we believe, that we prepare the whole week for the Sabbath so that we may rest on the Sabbath, and by designating that day of rest, we are also given strength for the rest of the week. I was inspired that by volunteering with my family, we were giving back to our community to keep this “sacred preparation” and being “supporters of the Sabbath”. This organization also helps arranging food deliveries during the week, as well as our many “holy days”, in addition to the other community services it provides.
As a working mother who understands the financial burdens
The Easter egg hunt was designed for children in the church community. Another event I volunteered in was making prayer blankets for the homeless. A prayer blanket is two pieces of fabric connected by knots, and with every knot tied, a prayer is said for the person the blanket is going to. I also participated in volunteering for the vet. Similarly, my family was a member of the Missouri House Rabbit Society and fostered a total of eight bunnies. We eventually adopted two bunnies named Shannon and Clover. I love to make a difference in my community, even if it was a small deed.
For my community service, I have been going to Lyndon B. Johnson Head Start Program, or LBJ. At LBJ, it is my responsibility to look after children and clean up after them. The teachers there set up many activities for the kids to work on, most of the time they finger paint. The teachers also set up small field trips. For example, we once went on a field trip to a house that had set up a pumpkin patch and many other activities for the kids. The house we went to wasn’t very far from LBJ. The children had so much fun choosing a pumpkin and playing different games, and I had fun helping them and taking care of them.
My community service experience at All Souls Friday Soup Kitchen taught me the impoverished population of New York City and myself. The volunteer work pushed me to better myself in several areas. Serving the diners helped me expand my social skills with fellow workers and customers by forcing me to communicate with others. Also, setting up and deconstructing the dining room helped grow my management skills by having me order where the plates, mugs, etc. should be placed. Most importantly, working at the kitchen helped humanize the poor population of New York City for me. Often on the subway and on the sidewalk, I try my hardest to avoid the homeless man or woman begging for money, acting like they didn’t exist. Gratefully, my experience at
Hi, my name is Finn Pherb, don't laugh. I was run over by a truck while trying to save a child. So, after passing out from the pain, I woke up in a pink room? Shouldn't I be in a white room. "Usually you would be but I thought it looked boring so I changed it to pink. What do you think?" a cute, almost childish, voice asked. Nice I guess if you're a 8-year-old...Wait who said that?
I remember my company had various volunteering activities for employees to volunteer there assistance in areas such as, the Meals on Wheels program or, helping at the local children’s hospital. I decided to volunteer my time and assistance at the “Meals on Wheels” program. “Meals on Wheels Association of American’ mission is to support senior with
Community service, as I have come to learn, is all about taking the initiative to help someone in need, no matter their situation. As the verse Matthew 25:35 says above, it is our job to share God’s love through serving those who are hurting right in front of us. These people are strangers, we may not know them, but that does not mean they should not be helped. Over the course of my life I have had the opportunity to participate in a multitude of service projects, but the one I am most passionate about is the Harvesters Community Food Network.
Assisted young children between the grades of preschool to 8th grade in their education. I decided to volunteer because the children of today will be the children of the future and the more smart and educated they are the better they will be in the future. Another reason I helped was because it is hard for young children to adapt to the lifestyle of constantly moving from one place to another. Since their parents are migrants it can have a negative impact on them and their education. I remember one little girl is from Florida but every summer her parents move up to Michigan to work in the fields, but once the harvest is over they move back to Florida. She was behind in school and with the help of teachers and myself we motivated and helped her out so she was able to catch up. I really enjoyed volunteering the past two summers ago at the summer migrant program. If I had another opportunity to help I
Additionally, every Monday, I volunteer at the Dublin Food Pantry and assist people with their groceries, and every Thursday, I volunteer at Glenwood Alzheimer's Care Center and assist with the residents by talking to them and playing games with them. Volunteering makes me a happier individual as I get to see the positive impact on
Since the summer of eighth grade I have volunteered at Essentia Health Hospital making tie blankets for inpatients. These patients are able to take the blankets home with them when they are well enough to leave the hospital. Moreover, I volunteer at my local church for a once-a-month food share. I help unload the food from the truck, sort out the rotten produce, and distribute the food among the shareholders. Additionally, I clean up highways and trails as a part of Green Club ,and I partake in numerous other volunteer opportunities within my school
The reason that I believe that volunteer work and work in general is vital to success in the today’s world and society is because the generation that I am apart of is lack of a better term lazy.The motto of the entitled generation is procrastination is key. The most important part in forming a generation comes from the parents. The outcome of a generation’s attitude always leads back to the source (the parents). Volunteer work in present time is very important for the youth, but is equally as important for adults too. Some local organizations in Juneau are Love Incorporation, Helping Hands-Healing Hands LLC, Saint Vincent De Paul, and Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC). It is a non profit organization that provides health care for residents of Southeast Alaska. Saint Vincent De Paul is an organization that provides housing for low income families in Juneau, Alaska. Service is an essential
Community service, one of the several pillars outlined by the National Honors Society (NHS), is defined as the desire to work and serve the community in order to improve the conditions for the citizens who dwell in it. Most importantly, those who uphold those standards do so without the need of money, or recognition; they are simply intrinsically motivated to make the world a better place. It wasn’t until I volunteered at an event hosted by the Jubilee Center that I learned the true meaning of community service and charity.
Last but not least the New Yorker article by John Cassidy “The Election May Be Over, But Trump’s Blow Up is Just Starting” talks about how Trump biggest support Fox News own Sean Hannity cancelled his interview with Donald Trump putting the biggest conservative news station in the world against Donald Trump. After the story aired Donald Trump was showed to behind Clinton by nine points based on a Bloomberg poll (Cassidy, 2016). Liberal platforms use this story to show how backward and sexist Donald Trump is. A trend that was shown in the New Yorker and the Washington Post articles that there is a divide in the Republican Party.
I wish I had a million dollars neatly and discreetly piled high against my door.
I grew up in a home where volunteering was a fact of life. My dad was a member of
In my five years of active volunteer work with multiple non-profit organizations, I have seen firsthand the lack of attendance of my peers in times of great community need and support from its members. Although it has become more complicated to find time to give back to the community, with a full-time school and work schedule, there is always spare time to give back. The rapidly growing demand for volunteers in communities all across America is increasing and it is everyone’s duty, especially college students, to pay their dues to the