
Toni Morrison Beauty Essay

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Toni Morrison the character Peacola had the dilemma of beauty being both a physical and internal problem. Peacola did not think that she was beautiful outside which was a reflection on how she felt about herself inside. The theme of beauty is one that people can relate to because it is human nature to question the beauty that one holds inside. Like Peacola, rarely does someone truly appreciate their inside beauty if they hate their outer appearance. The saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder has been around for ages, but is that saying really true? In American society it is very easy for the media to judge beauty, and decide what someone should look like. Certain people believe they aren’t beautiful just because media says they don’t …show more content…

The Bluest Eye was written in 1970 and yet in the year 2017 there is still a false since of beauty in America. Children learn from a young age to admire this false sense of beauty unconsciously. When looking at television children see skinny girls with white skin, and long silky hair, when in reality that is not how all people look. Morrison exposed the effect that a false sense of beauty has on a child, and today that effect continues to repeat itself. Beauty isn’t something that is just about appearance, but it is also about how a person is inside. Although this has been established and many people are beginning to embrace their inner beauty, history still repeats itself in making young children the victims of false beauty stereotypes. The theme of beauty in The Bluest Eye is something that still many books, and people focus on. Some people base their life on living up to the standards that the world has set for beauty. Peacola wanted to be beautiful, and because no one ever told her she was beautiful the only thing she could rely on to teach her was society, and in return they did her an injustice because she was beautiful all along. The idea that white beauty is the only beauty still happens today, as more people of color try to change themselves in order to form white

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