
Tort And The Law Of Tort

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The word of tort originally comes from the Latin word of tortus, that meaning twisted and tort in French meaning wrong. The law of tort is deferent from criminal law and the law of tort derived from common law. Tort is “a wrongful act, not including a breach of contract or trust, that results in injury to another’s person, property, reputation, or the like, and for which the injured party is entitle to compensation.”

Trespass to land means that someone without permission enters directly to others land and remains on the land, even they not leaving after the owner of land ask them to leave.

In this scenario firstly, going to consider on Harry who owns the WizadWord park as he flies a huge helium balloon above the park and the wind push the balloon time to time to passes over Draco’s land. As the balloon passing time to time the Draco land, without his permission causing problems and the balloon it is attached to the ground by a steel cable. In Anchor Brewhouse Development V Berkley House ( Docklands) Developments(1987), defendant were using tower crane and the crane passing time to time over the land of plaintiff and this was held trespass to the plaintiff ‘airspaces. There is not deferent between crane and the balloon, because balloon attached to the ground as the crane attached to the grand.

In case of Bernstein v Skyview General Ltd, the defendant took a photograph from plaintiff land, bay flaying over the land of plaintiff but the court not liable defendant for

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