
Touch And Go Quotes

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“Pain has a flavor. The question is, what does it taste like to you?” (Gardner 1). This quote describes the book Touch and Go perfectly, as it is story of a broken family of three; Libby (the mother), Justin (the father), and Ashlyn (the daughter). Justin cheats on Libby, which forces their marriage to grow further apart as time goes on, despite the fact they are continue to work on their differences. Six months after Libby discovers the affair, the entire family is kidnapped from their opulent home. After the family is kidnapped, the reader is introduced to additional characters, including Tessa Leoni (private investigator) and Wyatt Foster (sheriff). Tessa Leoni, Wyatt Foster, and the FBI work together in order to save the family and discover …show more content…

One of the outcomes is the family will be left alone once the stolid kidnappers get the demanded ransom money wired to their account. One reason for this is because the criminals do not want to mess up the once-in-a-lifetime payday: “They’re professionals. No way they’re going to mess up a chance at nine mil” (Gardner 301). :) Another reason why the family will not be killed is because there is no need to harm them; the kidnappers get the money and they do not want more blood to spill. The second outcome that could happen is the family will be killed. One reason for the family to be in grave jeopardy is so they cannot aid the police investigation by providing a description of the kidnappers. Not leaving any witnesses may help the commandos to be untraced by the police. Another reason for the kidnappers to murder the family is because they clearly are blood thirsty and seem to have no morals. The kidnappers are crazy and could just kill the family for the thrill of it; they are all ex-military and adrenaline junkies. The last reason for the kidnappers to kill the family is so that they cannot try to be stopped when driving away from the complex where the family is held. The kidnappers are professionals and if they think there is even the slightest chance of the family being able to stop and entrap them, the professionals will kill the family. In conclusion, I predict the family will survive the kidnapping because there is no …show more content…

Two main qualities, hard working and conscientious, are highlighted in the book. The reader knows Justin is hard working because he doubles the revenue of the company he inherits from his father: “Some sons would've been content to let a successful business continue as is. Not Justin,” (Gardner 2). Another reason why the reader knows Justin is hard working is because he is the first one to arrive at a construction site at dawn and the last one to leave in the evening, even though as the boss he is not required to keep those hours. The last reason why it is apparent the father is hardworking is because he is strives to repair his broken marriage and puts a lot of time and effort into rebuilding it. Conscientiousness is the second characteristic of Justin’s the book emphasizes. Justin is conscientious because he tries to get caught while cheating on his wife, because he cannot stand the guilt eating away at him. He thinks getting caught will help him change, and become the husband he wants to be. Another reason the reader knows Justin is conscientious is because he tries to do what is right. During their captivity, Justin is willing to die for his family. He also does not complain about his pain after being beaten by their captors, rather instead, Justin asks his family how he make them feel better. Through the reasons I have stated, the reader can clearly understand Justin is both hardworking and

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