
Tourism: Safety And Security For Tourism And Tourism

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The tourism Industry is considered as one of the fastest developing sectors for the economy worldwide. One of the main reasons of this is the growing numbers of tourist visitation. Tourist undertakes tour in a place outside their usual environment. It is generally said that tourism as a development based industry; it has to protect and support the tourist that is visiting any particular destination. Tourist usually visits in a place with good impressions. One of the factors to influence their impressions is their assurance regarding the safety and security of the place.
According to Zimány (2010) safety and security have always been indispensable condition for travel and tourism for a country.
To establish and maintain sustainable tourism; …show more content…

Despite of the introduction of new security, people still turn away from travel. Those risks and threats had many knock-on effects of the tourism industry and many other industries as the tourists’ attitude to travel changed.
Overall the quality of security can be defined the perceptions of tourist about the degree of readiness and preparations of destinations to cater tourist safely. Tourists’ perception about destination’s, safety environment and preparation to protect travelers is one of the critical factors to persuade tourists to visit a place. Due to these reasons the safety and security issues gained bigger and bigger importance to the tourism.
In the Philippines, tourist can choose different destinations starting from Luzon down to Mindanao. One of the famous attractions in the Philippines is known as the Summer Capital of the Philippines, Baguio …show more content…

It is geographically located within Benguet, serving as the provincial capital from 1901 to 1916, but has since been administered independently from the province following its conversion into a chartered city. Tourism is one of Baguio's main industries due to its cool climate and history. The city is one of the country's top tourist destinations. During the yearend holidays some people from the lowlands prefer spending their vacation in Baguio, to experience cold temperatures they rarely have in their home provinces. Also, during summer, especially during Holy Week, tourists from all over the country flock to the city. The Local Festivities such as the Panagbenga Festival also attracts both local and foreign tourists. During this time, the total number of people in the city doubles. (Wikipedia

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