
Towards A New Heaven: The Scientific Revolution

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In “Towards a New Heaven: Revolution in Astronomy,” some of the greatest achievements of the Scientific Revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth century were dominated by medicine, mechanics, and astronomers. Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton were some of the brilliant individuals that magnified the revolutionary astronomy. These astronomers challenged the conception and beliefs through the nature of the external world. To begin with, Nicolaus Copernicus’ journey to astronomy began around the 1480’s when his father had passed away and Copernicus uncle, Lucas Watzenrode, took a paternal role for him. Lucas ensured that Copernicus would receive the best education. By 1491, Copernicus entered the University …show more content…

Galileo was the first European to make systematic observations of the heavens through his improved invention of the telescope. Through his telescope, Galileo made a series of discoveries. Galileo’s observations demolished among the traditional cosmology of what the universe seemed to be composed of. Not only did Galileo make astonishing discoveries, but he was also offered a new position from Grand Duke Cain II of Florence, as his court mathematician. During this time, Galileo was told that he could continue to discuss Copernicanism, as long as he would maintain everything as mathematical supposition, and not as facts. Due to the Inquisitions response, the church attacked the Copernican system since it threaten the Scripture and its’ entire conception of the universe. The new system rose'd much uncertainty that seemed as prudent to simply condemn it. In 1633, Galileo was found guilty of teaching the condemned Copernican system and was then forced to be placed under house arrest. He spent the remaining eight years of life studying mechanics. The principal of motion was the one of the problems that fell under the heading of mechanics. At the end, Galileo made two contributions to the problem of motion. He demonstrated by experimenting uniform force to accelerate …show more content…

All his writings consisted of numerous references to God. He saw his work as a fulfilment of his Christian duty to understand the works of God. Kepler believed that God had made the Universe according to a mathematical plan. Although, Kepler did thank God for granting him insights, but the insights were still presented as rational. While studying theology at the university at Tubingen, he fell under the influence of Michael Mastlin. He then abandoned theology and became a teacher of astronomy and mathematics in Austria. Johannes Kepler’s work illustrated the narrow line that would separate magic and science in the early Scientific Revolution. Kepler compared numerical relationships between planets in harmony of the human soul. He described it as discovering the "music of the spheres." Overtime, Johannes Kepler devised the three laws of planetary motion. He confirmed Copernicus' heliocentric theory, and eliminated the scientific possibility of crystalline spheres moving in perfectly circular orbits. Eventually, Johannes Kepler’s three laws affected the eliminated idea of uniform circular motion. By the end of Kepler’s life, the Ptolemaic system rapidly lost its ground to the new ideas. Many questions do remain unanswered. However, it was an Italian scientist who achieved an important break through to a new cosmology by answering the first question and striding through the

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