
Town Folk, Such As, For The First Time In Pleasantville,

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town folk, such as, for the first time in Pleasantville, a tree catches on fire and the firemen have to figure out how to put it out and a rose on a rose bush that is black and white turns red; this all “triggers Betty to start seeing color. Gary Ross uses the instance of color to show an “awakening” or transition from the “quid pro quo” norms of society happening to Betty. The more Betty wants to learn and know about the goings on in and outside of Pleasantville, the more she sees in color until one day she herself turns into color. Additionally, when Betty understands that people can see her in color, she tries to cover it up with make-up because she is not ready to expose herself in a manner that a person would feel if they had …show more content…

Everyone knows that once Pandora’s box is open, it is really hard to get it closed again and havoc and turmoil is released in to the world. Well, this being a similar situation, the town folk go berserk and start burning books and vandalizing the soda shop and destroying a lot of the furniture. Betty’s own friends along with some of the high school boys come after her because of her non conformity. All of this highly charged emotion which is so unpleasant in Pleasantville turns the whole town color until everyone, even the mayor turns color and society as Pleasantville is changed forever. The “bi-cultural binds” (Gunn Allen) that Betty was wearing fall off as her community- including her husband- come to terms with adopting individuality as the new norm. Just as in Betty Parker’s story in Pleasantville, about how she overcomes gender role, social identity, non conformity issues, author, Judith Ortiz Cofer relates her own social conflict in her story “The Story Of My Body.” Mrs. Ortiz Cofer’s adaptation begins as a little girl who moves from a happy life in Puerto Rico to the United States. While in Patterson, New Jersey, full of joy and wonder, she has a bad encounter and her first experience with prejudice. Mrs. Ortiz Cofer is called “dirty” and “dirty brown Puerto Rican,” which alters her pretty image of herself. Thus begins her struggle with her bi-cultural bind. (Gunn Allen) She has only

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