
Traditional Hypnotherapy

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What is traditional hypnotherapy ? Hypnotherapy is a brief therapy that uses words as specific tools and requires the patient to be in an induced hypnotic state of mind while the therapy is performed. Traditional hypnotherapy is a powerful tool and can help eliminate fear and negative emotions, can help winnow out all sorts of pains and painful feelings, can help remove addictions and unwanted behaviors or habits, can help increase confidence and self-esteem, and help you to be the person you always desired to be. The foundation of the practice of traditional hypnotherapy is the assumption that a faulty cognition of reality is rather a consequence than a cause of an overwhelming emotion. Thus, you don't need to learn to cope with controlling …show more content…

This therapy works with your model of the world and you are getting involved in your therapy process, so that changes are easily accepted and long lasting. My therapeutic approach focuses on the emotions and is based on the physiological and neurological models of behavioral response rather than on the cognitive model. From this science backed biological perspective, emotions are at the heart of life's regulatory processes of all living creatures, regardless of whether we are talking about emotions that are genetically determined, or those that are somehow the result of a cognitive process. The emerging science of epigenetics marks a profound change in the conventional medical model, by providing solid evidence that your words, your thoughts, and your beliefs, have a profound impact on your destiny. Therefore, from a scientific perspective, traditional hypnotherapy approach to emotions, pain, insomnia and human behavior, is as legitimate as other conventional

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