
Traditionalism And Modernism

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How Traditionalism and Modernism Clashed Against the New Waves of the Roaring Twenties Among other nations, America remained intact following the Great War and its rampant pattern of destruction and economic hardships. America emerged to new levels of consumerism and prosperity, and with this prosperity, new modern industries emerge such as automobiles, tourism, and large-scale production; to the demise of traditional and now inefficient industries such as agriculture. Respectively, these new industries began to dominate cities and created vast amounts of jobs and wealth, a rise in cheaper consumer products such as the automobile, Americans began to be able to purchase more, go further, listen to the radio, and in general develop a wider reach of culture with several new means of receiving and submitting ideologies and ideas A major component of the new modern culture came with expressive work such as Hollywood, radio, and newspaper – creating the new city culture popping with flamboyant new-age women and the fast life that Hollywood portrayed; Modernists. Conjunctively, Traditionalists represented the portion of the American population that resented such immoral development; valuing small communities, racial, religious, and general ethnic homogeneity. Cultures began to clash with each other, traditionalists did all they could to combat this ‘degeneracy’ such as prevailing nativism and methods designed to discourage minorities or other ideological opponents, including the

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