
Traditionally, Nursing Has Not Been Accorded The Professional

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Traditionally, nursing has not been accorded the professional respect that it entails and calls for and hence the different perceptions that were there in the field. It was also a profession that was mostly biased regarding gender and the level of education of those seeking to join the industry (Alligood & Tomey, 2010). However, today, there are many changes which challenge the manner in which the profession is handled either by the professionals themselves or even how leaders in other medical fields perceive the career. Mid-range nursing theories are quite essential in addressing nursing practice and approaches. They are narrow as compared to grand nursing theories, but they also act as a link between the fundamental nursing theories and …show more content…

The main factors include the professional autonomy, responsibility, and liability that nurses must possess when they go about their nursing practice, and they must be encompassed in all theories regardless of their classification. Dorothea Orem was born in 1914 in Baltimore, Maryland. She received a nursing diploma in 1934 from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, D.C. She earned her B.S. in 1939 and an M.S. in 1945. She worked at Providence Hospital in 1934 and St. John’s Hospital in Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1936. During this time she focused primarily on patient care. After obtaining her Master’s degree Orem’s work began to focus on education, administration, and the development of nursing theories that affect the way nurses apply patient care to this day. Orem became the director of both the Nursing School and the Department of Nursing at Providence Hospital in Detroit from 1940 to 1949. She also worked as a curriculum consultant, starting with the Indiana State Board of Health in the Division of Hospital and Institutional Services from 1949 to 1957. Moving back to Washington, D.C., she worked for the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in the Office of Education from 1958 to 1960. Orem subsequently returned to the Catholic University of America, where she became an assistant professor in 1959, associate professor in

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