
Transcendence Of Corruption In Human Nature By William Shakespeare

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Richard II, III, iv: Transcendence of corruption in Human Nature
This scene, from Shakespeare's timeless play, starts off with one of the Queen’s ladies trying to cheer up the Queen because her kingdom is falling apart. The lady offers Queen to dance because that's what she has been doing with the King through hard political times in their kingdom. They foresee the gardiners walking towards them and chose to hide and eavesdrop. The Gardiner is trying to keep things orderly in the garden, he gives directions to those working with him: “That look too lofty in our commonwealth: / All must be even in our government. / You thus employ’d I will go root away / The noisome weeds, which without profit suck / The soil’s fertility from wholesome flowers.” One of them responds to him asking why they should bother to “Keep law and form and due proportion” using the kingdom as an example he calls it “full of weeds, her fairest flowers choked up”. All of a sudden, the Queen bursts out from the shadows “How dare thy harsh rude tongue sound this unpleasing news?”, she is astonished the Gardiners would be speaking like this about the king and his kingdom in such a way. The Gardiner apologises to her and agrees the news is hard to bear but that it is true and that he only speaks what everyone else must already know. “Pray God the plants thou graft’st may never grow”, says the Queen before leaving with her ladies. He then feels bad for her because the crops in which he is taking care of

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