
Transition In The Golden Compass

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The story of The Golden Compass in the novel version depicts the transition from the state of inexperienced to experienced. This transition is involved with the growing-up process can be seen throughout the novel, and the film by Erikson’s Theory. The way this theory is used will be presented later in the analysis part.
a. Exposition The world where everyone in the story lives is the world which the people have the dæmons. The dæmon is a human soul in a form of animal staying closely to the human. The story begins when Lyra sneaks into the retiring room, and hides in the wardrobe. She sees the college master pouring down the powder into the tokay decanter after the servant leaves the room. She tells Lord Asriel about this, and he let her hide again in the wardrobe to spy on the master. There she …show more content…

Climax Lyra manages to escape from Bolvangar, and free the children.
d. Falling action At the time Lyra is escaping, the gyptians, Lee, Iorek arrive, and fight with the people in Bolvangar. Lee, Iorek, and the witch queen help Lyra, and Roger to go to Svalbard where the armoured bear keep Lord Asriel captive. Suddenly, the balloon is leaked, and Lyra falls to Svalbard. There she meets Iofur Raknison, the bear king. She tricks him to fight with Iorek, and Iorek wins. He brings her, and Roger to see Lord Asriel. Lord Asriel tells Lyra that the cutting release the energy to the ‘Dust’. It is what makes the compass work, and is the gate to another world. At night he kidnapped Roger, and cut him (kill him) to release the energy, so he can go to another world.
e. Denouement When Lord Asriel is about to enter another world, Mrs. Coulter appears. He asks her to go with him, but she refuses. He goes there alone, but then Lyra decides to go there with Mrs. Coulter as she thinks her parents might hate the ‘Dust’. She leaves Roger in the snow.
2. The story of The Golden Compass in the film version portrays the identity development of Lyra which is related to the growing-up

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