The transition from Middle School to High School can seem very daunting, but with some advice, anyone can be “high-schooling” like a pro in no time. First, in my experience, I have found that carrying all of your appropriate supplies for each day insures that you don’t have to take extra trips to your lockers, you don’t have to fret about having missing work or supplies, and all of this conserves time for you to socialize before class starts, study, etc. I should clarify. Each day you carry the supplies for that day only and not any excess supplies, as this will add unnecessary pressure and pain to your back. For example, I carry my Algebra book, Science and American History binders, and Band folder on A days and my Spanish and Honors ELA
This quote constantly running through my mind as I begin the most important year of my entire high school career. Every morning as I sit on the bus on my way to school, I can’t help but replay a time during my freshman year when myself and everyone else around me weren’t sure if I would continue in school long enough to see my senior year.
Transitioning from middle school to high school now college. Hardships and victories I have experienced it all. I have gone from the shy student to one of the most involved and active student in my school.
Going from middle school to high school can be a big challenge in one's life. From
Going from a middle school to high school pretty much for anybody can tend to be challenging. High school is the place where you start to mature yourself and better yourself for later on in life for whatever the future may bring. Coming from 8th grade entering into high school as a freshman depending on where you're at can be tough, you really start to realize that you are starting to have responsibilities. You may not start feeling that way in the beginning which in my case I could say the same, but it definitely comes. Converting as an 8th grader to high school you notice the teachers don't baby you in situations if it's your work or your project it's your job to know what's going on the teachers definitely won't look for you.
The summer before I started high school I was most nervous about getting lost. It turns out the high school is not as big as you think. Once you figure out where each department is it is not very hard to find the classroom you are looking for. The first day is freshman and LINK leaders only. The LINK leaders help you figure out where your first quarter classes are and show you around the school. By the time the first quarter is over you know where most all the classrooms and departments are. I do not know and freshman who got lost like I thought we would. There is no reason for students to be scared to go to high
Throughout middle school, I conformed to what was expected. I changed my clothing style, the manner in which I conversed, and the people whom I conversed with to fit in. My interests often changed to what was popular at the time, and I always tried to make as many friends as possible so that I can look good in front of other people. I didn’t even know myself. I was what society had made me out to be. My friends weren’t my real friends; I didn’t have a single interest with most of them. Over time, I started to become unsatisfied with myself. This was until my transition to high school, when I made one of the best decisions of my
For some, the transition from middle school into high-school can be drastic change in scenery and environment. People have different ways in getting ahead and learning. Those things might be to have good time management, good note taking skills, and amazing concentration considering the things that can go on in a classroom while the teacher is teaching or giving instruction.
Research associates the decline in achievement with adolescent development, school organization, socio-emotional fears, student-environmental mismatch, and the lack of parental involvement. Adolescent psychologists assert that the pubertal changes affect students’ academic achievement in school (Blyth et al., 1983 Bradley, 2003). Research on school structures found that students involved in a pyramid transition of multiple elementary schools into a single middle school experienced a greater achievement loss than did students in a linear transition of a single elementary school to a single middle school (Alspaugh, 1998a; Felner et al., 2001).
Have you ever experienced the transition from high school to middle school? Many students that go from middle school to high school are worried about the big changes in the environments. Although there are many differences between middle school and high school, there are also many similarities.
Since I was a kid in elementary school, shyness was part of who I am since. My mother had to go to the parents meeting each year telling my teachers that I am very shy. Because sometimes I would go home crying because one of my teachers told me to say something in front of the whole class. She would go and tell them not pick on me during class or take away participation points. Whereas my family and I had to move to the United Stated when it was time for me to go to high school. Unfortunately, my mother card could not work for high school. During my four years of high school the word “speech” and “presentation” always scared me just like a clown scaring a little kid. Hearing, those two words from my teacher, I automatically start stressing
Transitioning from the junior high to the high school will always be a defining moment of growth and learning for me. I remember middle school as if it were yesterday; I formed a tight relationship with the people in my class and we shared jokes, and supported each other no matter what. However, I knew 8th-grade year couldn't last forever and that, eventually my then best friend would be going to a different school and everyone who I saw and laughed with every day would be split apart. Some people may argue that I could still keep in touch with most of my close friends but I knew it would never be the same without us all together. Although it seems childish to me now, I remember the sickening feeling of everyone I love leaving me, and the dread
The transition from middle to high school is an important time socially and academically for adolescents. As stated by Wheelock and Miao (2005), the bottleneck of student enrolled in ninth grade is concerning. This mixed methods study focused on academic, procedural, and social components of the transition activities in one Connecticut suburban town from middle to high school. Included are the completion of a ninth grade student survey (N = 154), a ninth grade parent/guardian survey (N = 128), and three focus groups, two of ninth grade students (N = 12) and one of ninth grade teachers (N = 12). The academic outcomes included academic preparedness and student achievement. Stakeholders believe that students are not prepare students for the academic
I totally agree that high school years can make or break a child and the transition into high school can be very nerve-wracking. Especially when it's a transition like yours, going from a private school to a public school with a new environment and new people. It's awesome how you went into high school not knowing anyone, but managed to socialize with everyone regardless of their social group. There is too much pressure put on children to try and fit in, but it's best to just try and socialize with everyone and not just those who are part of the "cool" groups.
College is a time for pursuing a wide array of activities and interests, but each activity takes time.(Thidodeaux 2010). Students have a lot of time on hand when they transition to college from high school. Many student's seem to think it is a relief or a vacation from parents and embrace the life of freedom. College can be hard at times, but if you apply and pace yourself it could be fairly easily. I had a similar issue a different school, and still have similar issue with school work, my time frame doing my work and managing the time frame to complete it. I believe many students then realize that there aren't any teachers or parent to baby sit you and your school work, it’s up to you to get it done.
The transition between middle school and high school can be one of the most difficult transitions for some people. What if I don’t make any friends? What if there’s no one who shares interests with me? What if there’s too much homework? These are all questions that many students, including me, probably thought of the night before the first day of high school. Luckily, the first few days weren’t as bad as I dreaded they would be, and it’s mostly because of advice that people have given me. I interviewed my parents, my peers, and Lincoln staff members to learn more about what high school could be like, and how to make it more enjoyable. If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from everyone, it’s that participating in extracurricular activities and attending school events are very important to having good high school experience.