
Trauma Case Study : Trauma Case

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Trauma Case Study Summary Case Overview This trauma case primarily involves two American Indian clients: grandmother (caregiver) and 21 month old female (grandchild), DHS, and Indian Child Welfare. There are two twin boys (grandchildren), who were born as premature meth babies, however, no signs of trauma or developmental issues appear at this time. The 21 month old female child has been a victim of childhood trauma invoked by her biological parents and secondary trauma experiences of verbal and physical abuse of grandmother by the biological parents. Clinical Impression, Diagnosis, and Treatment Twin Boys Child Protective Services was notified by the attending physician who performed the delivery of the twins at birth. They were taken into DHS temporary custody and later placed in kinship care with the grandmother. The twins had limited exposure to their parents during their stay at the hospital at birth. Despite their plight at birth (prematurity and meth baby diagnosis), the twin boys appear to be developing normal at this time. No treatment plan is warranted at this time, however, ongoing and periodical developmental, physical, and psychological assessment is recommended by the multi-disciplinary team. Grandmother (caregiver) Diagnosis and treatment plan include a DSM-IV Axis I 296.32 Major Depressive Disorder, moderate, to address major depression, Axis 1 V61.20 Parent-Child Relational Problem, Axis I 305.1 Nicotine Dependence, Axis IV relational issues to

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