
Trauma In Slaughterhouse Five

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When a person is sent to a war of any kind it causes some mental problem. They would have trauma and have an illusion of all sorts. In the novel, Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut shows references of the main character Billy Pilgrim traveling through time and being abduct by aliens. Throughout the stories Billy has experiences what it seem like trauma because there are many moments where it made no sense. Vonnegut use the science-fiction to explain Billy’s experiences and that’s how Billy deal with his traumatic episodes. First, Vonnegut uses time travel most of the time in the story. In the beginning of the book it explain the first time travel that Billy had, “Billy says he first came unstuck in time in 1944 long before his trip to Tralfamadore”(30) He had these time travel in between World War II and in his late forty’s. Mostly the time travel happens when Billy is having a traumatic moment. Right after Billy came unstuck in time, he was with three others soldiers and was taken by the German. It …show more content…

This suggest that Billy’s experiences in the war can change and form experiences that are not necessary true. Billy thinks that his trip to Tralfamadore is true but it could be his way to escape his reality. Vonnegut and Billy could have compromise and try to make the novel more interesting. In the article How’s America’s leading Science fictions authors are shaping your future, explain how authors uses science fictions of all kind to explain the type of future we might or might not have. The article explains, “Every author who meticulously examines the latest developments in physics or computing, there are other authors who invent “impossible” technology to serve as a plot device”(2). Vonnegut uses the idea of time traveling with Billy who learn it from the Tralfamadorians. Vonnegut uses the impossible technology such as time travel to use in Billy’s experiences in the planet in

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