
Treating Addiction: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Treating Addiction Mr. Greene is a fifty-one-year-old black male, who started using crack- cocaine at thirty-two-years-old and is now twelve years clean. Bryan Sapp was a twenty-year-old white male that died of a heroin overdose whose addiction started at age twelve. Addiction does not discriminate. There are several different causes of addiction, lack of purpose, stress caused by trauma, unmet needs, and boredom are some of them (Rosen 23). On an average 40-60% of people struggling with addiction relapse. There are several different types of rehabilitations for addiction but, there is no cure. In our over medicated society that has led us to this war against addiction, alternative medications are not the alternative therapy to addiction. …show more content…

It can be administered by tablet, oral solution, and injections. Methadone is used to combat addiction against heroin and pain killers, also known as opioids (Sontag 2013). It is a low cost alternative to help with withdrawal and cravings (Sontag 2013). It is also highly addictive and a high risk for overdosing (Sontag 2013). Suboxone is a partial opioid agonist that is administered by prescription from federally authorized doctors with restrictions on how many patients they can treat (Sontag 2013). It is no longer available in tablet form and now only available in sublingual film (Sontag 2013). Suboxone is expected to be a long-term treatment for people who struggle with addiction (Sontag 2013). Unlike methadone, suboxone is costly and with the patient limitations not easily accessible (Sontag 2013). Although the risks are much lower there is still risk for addiction and overdose (Sontag

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