
Trigger Warnings In The Classroom

Decent Essays

Unfortunately, the misguided belief of trigger warnings being a protection to PTSD in the classroom may only further damage sufferers. According to Dr. Mark Beuger, an addiction psychiatrist at Deerfield Behavioral Health of Warren, the goal of PTSD treatment is “to allow for processing of the traumatic experience without becoming so emotional that processing is impossible.” (Stone) For trigger warnings to work, the subject must be willing to confront their fears, not avoid them. In an analysis by the Institute of Medicine, they found that exposure therapy is the most effective in treating PTSD. Working with therapists, patients are consistently asked to recount their traumatic experiences in the present-tense. The aim of this is to break the connection between the emotional response and the trauma-related stimuli, so that in the event of a traumatic situation, the patient will be able to deal with the impact of the event. …show more content…

In 2014, Oberlin College published a trigger warning policy on its website. The policy stated, “Triggers are not only relevant to sexual misconduct, but also to anything that might cause trauma,” and that possible triggers “may make some students feel unsafe in your classroom” (Flaherty). It’s important to note how far-reaching this policy is. ‘Anything’ leaves the door open to everything, which can lead to wider public sensitivity. President of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Greg Lukianoff, states that due to the overuse of calling for safety when looking for some sort of reassurance, “Our society appears to have forgotten the moral of the fable ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’” (Lukianoff 59). Because the word safety continues to be conflated with being protected from discomfort, it becomes harder to assess the true physical security of students. The overuse and misuse of the word begins to make the word mean

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