
Trigger Warnings

Decent Essays

In recent years, the world has seen a huge jump in the fight to be politically correct. Sensitivity to discrimination or topics that are found offensive/traumatizing, has heightened causing a major shift in how people interact on a day to day basis. The effects of this revolution of sorts can be seen especially on the internet and in spaces of academia. Buzzwords like microaggression and trigger warnings are now frequently heard in college classrooms and have raised questions about the ability of professors to effectively teach and prepare their students for the real world. The terrain of this subject is still fairly new and uncharted so I have created a set of win-win guidelines that I believe will help students and faculty navigate this subject …show more content…

It is not a professors place to tell a student that they should engage in class discussion or sit through a lecture that contains content that touch on traumatic past experiences. However, it is proven based on Pavlovian studies that exposing a person to the very thing that has traumatized them in a safe and controlled environment, will allow them to regain normalcy when confronted with those triggers. (Lukianoff Gred Haidt 2015) Furthermore life does not come with trigger warnings. If college is supposed to acclimate students to the real world then, the classroom policed by trigger warnings is doing the students a …show more content…

Discrimination has long and deep rooted past in this country and the effects of that past are still quite prevalent today. Claims by students of harmful activity should always be taken seriously, but there has to be fair (to both students and staff) methods in place to investigate these incidents. The well-being of students should always be taken into account in these institutions, but this must be done in a way that fosters better critical thinking and prepares them to deal with life outside of the classroom. I firmly believe that the steps discussed above could lay the groundwork for better communication in college

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