
Triumph Of The Will: The Hitler Youth Movement

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When Adolf Hitler took control of Germany during the 1930s, a personality cult developed, centered on the Nazi party. By the time World War Two ended in 1945, many Germans were utterly devoted to Hitler. The personality cult was built during Hitler’s rise to power by the “Nazification” of Germany. Hitler transformed German from a republic into a fascist state. The government took control of many aspects of German life. The economy, the radio, and labor unions were all brought under Nazi governance. Many propaganda films were produced by the Nazi regime, one of the most famous is Triumph of the Will. This, and many films like it portrayed Adolf Hitler as godlike and contributed to the creation of the personality cult. When the Nazi party took control of Germany, they also brought many other industries under their rule. Their goal was to control the minds of the German people and rally them around Hitler. One way of doing this was connecting Nazi Germany to earlier German empires. Hitler called it the Third Reich, the first was the Holy Roman Empire, and the second was the German empire created the Kaiser prior to World War One.
When German troops swore an oath to join the army, they now swore an oath directly to Hitler, instead of Germany. The oath to Hitler made the entire German military loyal only to …show more content…

The goal was to indoctrinate children into almost worshipping Hitler. Children were run through military actives to prepare for serving Hitler in the army. When war broke out in 1939, the Hitler Youth was reorganized into a paramilitary organization. During the early stages of the war they manned fire brigades and anti-aircraft guns that were shooting at Allied bombers. In the later stage of war some Hitler Youth units even saw combat during the Battle for Berlin. The Nazi indoctrination instilled in them to serve Hitler caused them to fight the

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