
Troilus And Cressida In The Odyssey

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William Shakespeare’s play “Troilus and Cressida” is a play covering the events leading up the mythic Odyssey. Much like many modern works, as well as Shakespeare’s own, the story plays host to a love story between two characters, the titular, Troilus and Cressida. The pair are both Trojans, each from noble houses; Troilus, son to Prima the king of Troy, and Cressida, daughter to Calchas a priest within the city. The love affair betwixt the pair is interesting to say the least, as it appears early on in the text to be one sided. In ACT I Scene 2, Cressida is introduced and speaks with her uncle, Pandarus. Here Cressida talks with Pandarus and seems to think little of Troilus, comparing him disfavorably to his elder brother Hector, “O Jupiter, there’s no comparison!” (1.2 295) Cressida and Pandarus go back and forth over Troilus’, with …show more content…

The pair talk so more before Pandarus returns and the trio recommence. Cressida confirms her love for Troilus, a love that has burned for “many weary months,” (3.2 327) but still seems to pull away from him, even going so far as to “take my leave.” (3.2 328) Troilus and Pandarus argue against it, and Cressida relents. The trio end their discussion with a vow whereto and henceforth all true men are to be called, “Troilus”, false woman “Cressida” and match-makers “Panders” (3.2 329). This vow acts like a marriage vow, with priest, bride and groom gathered together to cement their

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