Why is the tropical rainforest in crisis and what can be done about it?
The tropical rainforest is located all around the world. For example, the Amazon Rainforest, the Colombian Rainforest and other small rainforests located in Central America. In 1990, rainforests were plentiful however until 2010, around an eighth of all the rainforests were cut down. The rainforest is mostly endangered by human interaction and climate change. Forests are undergoing deforestation and are changed into non-productive forests which are forests that are cut in such a way they produce minimal trees per year. Also, mining usually occurs in the rainforest which causes erosion on the trees and its growth. Dams can be found in tropical rainforests which causes flooding.
As stated, there are many reasons why the rainforest is under crisis but one of the
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The Forest Floor: The forest floor will always be humid, dark and damp. This is because only two percent of light reaches the bottom layer. This means that it will slow the growth of those that need sunlight to grow. Understorey Layer: Understory layer only receives about two to fifteen percent of sunlight. The plants that are lush only need so little light like the Dwarf Palm which is approximately 4-5 metres max. Many of the plants her rely on insects for their food. The understorey is home to many animals and has the largest amount of insects. Canopy: Second highest layer of the rainforest. This is the layer that allows only a little sunlight for the Forest Floor and the Understorey. The creatures that live among the canopy rarely go down to the Forest Floor. Emergent Layer: Tallest layer. It only consists of few tree trees that outgrow the canopy layer. They are wider than the canopy trees since they more space to grow
[Tropical forest sounds – singing birds, croaking frogs and the sound of the rain hitting the tip trees will be accommodated with a soothing melody that sets the general mood and the atmosphere of the show (7 seconds); the music slowly faints out to a lower volume and the following sentence is introduced] 1 Ariel – I am Ariel Gunitskiy, and this is ideas [The introductory music gains volume for another 5 seconds; fades out] 2 When Christopher Columbus first landed on the eastern shores of Central
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Deforestation has been an increasing issue with the modern age. As new technologies and productions are introduced, space for forests and trees are removed dramatically. Although it offers massive economic benefit, it creates a portal to more issues, such as environmental and gas emissions, animal habitats, and local people in several third world countries. Contrary to popular belief, however, deforestation can also provide as a benefit. It allows people internationally to have access to a common
Deforestation is one of the major subject in twenty first century. Humans have been deforestation the forest for thousands of years. Little we known about the tropical woodland and they are disappearing at an alarming rate. This is because it occurs mostly in Africa where there are little to no inhabitants. Leaving us in capable of preventing it. Deforestation is mainly caused by clearing the forest and woodland for farming, logging, housing, building roads. If we do not stop cutting trees and stop
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