
Truck Mechanics Research Paper

Decent Essays

Ever since I was in 8th grade I always dreamt of working on trucks. I really want to work on a Ram 3500 Cummins and that passion for trucks is the reason why I want to become a truck mechanic. Truck mechanics, from my knowledge, have many different jobs. Not only do they work on truck engines but they work on brakes and other parts as well as change fluids. They can be regular mechanics too. Truck mechanics can on normal cars because preventative maintenance isn’t job specific. Truck mechanics are able to test drive the engines they fixed to make sure everything is done correctly. They also run free check ups for smaller commercial trucks with diesel engines. Sometimes they change the oil to run diagnostic checks in their free check ups. Truck mechanics have many jobs and they handle may responsibilities daily. Upon research, I found that truck mechanics are diesel engine experts as well as normal engine experts. They are also set to maintain diesel powered vehicles. According to “It is the job of Truck Mechanics to ensure the tractor safely at optimum levels at all times,” so they don't just have a …show more content…

According to most mechanics work in a well lit, properly ventilated place. also states, “shop temperatures are not always ideal, especially in the hot summer or cold winter. Places like the pit are usually not well ventilated”( Furthermore, the job in general is a means of getting dirty and handling greasy parts. Tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, and some power tools find themselves getting greasy and dirty. In the mix of getting dirty they have a high risk for illness, injuries, and death. Part of the risk of working as a truck mechanic is working with heavy machinery and oils. “The other parts come from burns, cuts, strains and sprains from over exertion” ( Truck mechanics have a chaotic and dangerous work

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