
Trujillo Analysis

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The politics that allowed Trujillo to reign over the island in the way that he did were not just relegated to upper-class men. Beli, Abelard’s orphaned daughter, grows to as beautiful as her sisters. She experiences the strain of colonial politics on the island in multiple ways throughout her life before she leaves for the US. This is first experienced when she is living as a servant in the outer-shanties of Santo Domingo. After La Inca saves her, she experiences the racism of Dominican society, where she is determined to be other because of the blackness of her skin (Diaz 84). Finally, she ‘escapes’ the life that she is living with La Inca and uses her newly ‘empowered’ body, “endowed” with secondary sex characteristics, to navigate the patriarchal world she inhabits (Diaz 95). Ultimately, through her fling with The Gangster, she comes into contact with his wife, Trujillo’s sister and, thus, the fuku. She almost dies at the orders of La Fea, but is saved with the help of the Mongoose. She escapes to the US, but the move does not take “her any further away from the fukú, since the source of the curse is imperial power itself” (Mahler 127). Which brings us our superhero and the last instance of the fukú as described in the Cabral story, Oscar. Oscar also experiences the racial politics that his mother experiences, because of his …show more content…

The Dominican Republic “never became a democracy” (Diaz 227). Instead, the realities of what the Dominican Republic is are brought into relief as Oscar sets foot there in his trip with his family to visit La Inca. He observes “the mind-boggling poverty, the Dunkin’ Donuts, the beggars, the Haitians, selling roasted peanuts at the intersections, the mind-boggling poverty, the asshole tourists hogging up all the beaches […] (Diaz 227). About this, Mahler writes that it

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