
Truly To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Who is Truly to Blame?
“Romeo and Juliet” is a very well put together piece of literature and is a world known play with many different versions. There's a lot of action, romance, death and compliment’s to Shakespeare for not only a creative imagination, but putting good quality literature at a whole new standard. A lot went on in “Rome and Juliet” that contributed to Romeo and Juliet’s suicidal actions, but who is truly to blame? After pondering for quite some time a reasonable conclusion was made. The three characters who are most at fault for the protagonists’ deaths are Mercutio, Friar Laurence, and Juliet’s Father.

First, Mercutio. Friend to Romeo and kinsman to the prince, he was around Romeo for over half of the book thus he must be …show more content…

The Friar is supposed to be some wise guy that everyone goes to for advice but he also gives lousy advice and even worse ideas. The first reason the Friar is the top most responsible person to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths are because he married them in the first place knowing it was a bad idea without their parent’s consent. The Friar even says himself “ These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, Which, as they kiss, consume.” Basically saying marriage is a beautiful thing but between these two families things like this don’t end too well. The second reason to blame the Friar is he told Juliet to drink the potion without even knowing if the letter got to Romeo or not. He could have told Romeo to write him back within a time frame, but he didn’t, he just sent it and told Juliet to drink the potion not even having a back up plan prepared. The third reason to blame the Friar is because he didn’t even bother telling Juliet and Romeo the dangers of being married. Romeo practically said I like this girl and we want to be married and didn’t question it. The Friar should have told them the consequences like in Act 3 Scene 3 when he says “The law that threatened death becomes thy friend And turns it to exile.” It’s not like he didn’t know the law he knew Romeo could have possibly died and the Friar didn’t even warn him of the punishment

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