
Trust And Explicit Transparency Of The Us Healthcare System

Good Essays

Trust and explicit transparency must be the prerequisite to value creation if the value has to be sustained in the long run. “So creating value today is not only about the quality of the product or service we deliver. It’s very much about the quality of a firm’s conduct, both internally and externally” (Prahalad, 2014). The Triple aim (Berwick, Nolan, & Whittington, 2008) outlines three major goals and it also reveals the naked lack of accountability in the US healthcare system. The concept of an integrator, as proposed in the Triple aim, is the closest thing to accountability that a consumer can grasp without needing a dictionary of terminology. Keeping the three pillars (better care, targeted health, cost) in mind and the absence of …show more content…

Hospitals are viewed unfavorably by most patients for the elevated (and often surprise) costs, care quality, and their lack of follow up to the provided care. “Who could feel sympathy for a billion-dollar corporation?” (Gunderman, 2013). Our payor-driven (as opposed to consumer-driven) health system has resulted in inflated costs, increased waste, and a race where executives continuously search for ways to increase their revenue share to stay relevant in market size, instead of improving patient care quality. Unfortunately, the increased level utilization linked payment system discourages investment in the most basic mantra: health quality.

Even though it’s not mentioned under the Triple aim, I believe that physicians stand to gain the patients’ trust (see table above) which is now ranked at 24, behind almost all major industrialized and first world nations. “But it is deeply disturbing that the more general reputation of the medical profession is in decline” (Ubel, 2014). I will argue that physicians will also gain value by working in teams and share the burden of responsibility for patient caring. Being a physician can often be a lonely experience and receiving additional support can sometimes alleviate unnecessary pressure. According to a Harvard Business Review article by Porter & Lee (2015), Geisinger Health System based in Pennsylvania utilizes pharmacists along with the medical care team for patients with chronic

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