
Trust Definition Essay

Decent Essays

What is the meaning of trust? What does it take for a person to fully, unconditionally trust a person? What can that person do, to change, for you to trust them? Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines Trust as; the belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. And I believe trust is the number one key in healthy relationships. For others, especially in my story, I am still trying to understand their warped definition of that fantastic word, trust.
My story originates from a few weeks ago, August 19th, 2015 to be exact. I am relaxing at home, vigorously going through all of my new books for school, and making sure my book bag is neat and orderly.
All of a sudden, the phone rings. On the other line, it is my good friend, my mentor, Police Officer Steel. “Good afternoon, Geneva, how are you?”, she says. “I am doing great Officer Steel, what may I help you with today?” She goes on to say, “Well, I know your mother wouldn’t be apart of this, so I am calling to ask, …show more content…

“He is taking a cab, as we speak, to the police department to turn himself in,” says mom. Anger builds in me thinking of what to say, a long pause goes by, and I decide to pipe up “Good, That’s what he should have done in the first place, instead of lying to all of us, and he wonders why we can’t believe him.” “I don’t know if I can ever believe him anymore; I’ve lost every bit of trust I have. I just cannot think about this anymore today,” says mom. A dial tone comes over the phone, again.
Needless to say, my brother spent two hours in jail before he was bailed out by my mother. His bail cost her $500.00 and was the last bit of money she had to live on until her payday. I heard he told her he would pay her back, but he has said that about a thousand times in the past three years and she has never seen a dime. He continues his crazy road of lies and still wonders why we don’t believe him. Wonders if we will ever trust him

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