
Tubs Persuasive Speech

Satisfactory Essays

Wayne in Wichita Falls, Tx asked, Everyone I talk to has an in line heater to keep the water hot. Is this really necessary? For most walk in tub companies, it is necessary because they are manufactured with an in line heater. At HydroJet, our tubs aren't made until we have a customer for it. Then it is custom to your needs. Our engineers designed our walk in tubs so that the walk in tub jet motor is located to keep the water comfortable while you are in your walk in tub with the jets on and the jet motor running. This is just another way we save you money. Gail in College Station, Tx asked, Do I have to use your installer? No. We will price your walk in tub installed or uninstalled. Every walk in tub comes with instructions on how to install

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