
Tuition Rising Summary

Decent Essays

With all the information I previously found, I needed to look at the second participants: colleges. I needed to understand the alternative view of rising tuition levels. I came across many articles that explained some of the reasons. However, “Tuition Rising” by Journalist Dylan Matthews of the Washington Post covered the alternative views extensively. According to Matthews, one reason why colleges keep increasing their tuition is because of spending. Matthews mentions “paying faculty more, or building more sports arenas, or conducting more research” (par.1) increases spending by colleges, which in turn increases tuition. He argues that colleges believe this is the only way to provide a better education and experience for their students, so they increase tuition. In addition, Matthew argues the most important reason colleges increase their tuition year by year is because of cost shift. He claims “state governments cut subsidies for public colleges and universities all the time, which forces them to shift financial aid and scholarship money from students to current cost” (par.3). So, in order to provide aid money for the …show more content…

It allowed me to become a university president and understand his point of view. I was able to realize why college keep increasing tuition cost: to provide a better educational system and experience for their students. But what impressed me the most was that colleges knew their rising tuition levels was a problem, and their solution was to keep increasing it. This led me to more questions: Why is the government allowing universities to keep increasing tuition? How can the government stop it? The message I was getting was that it doesn’t matter if universities keep increasing tuition, the government would just stand in the sidelines and watch the whole economy go in to a slump. This fit Ehrenberg theory where the government has become a

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