
Universities Should Not Limit In-State Students

Decent Essays

Debt. Decline. Unacceptance. These things are caused by universities limiting their in-state students into their school. Schools must not limit their budget gaps by limiting their in-state students since it leads to less people achieving a higher education, it doesn’t solve the money gap completely, and schools can spend their money more wisely. Universities must not limit their in-state students since it leads to less people achieving a higher education. For instance, Marguerite Roza explains that “lower in-state tuition prices aren't any good if in-state students aren't allowed to pay them”(Roza). Roza states that students can not pay their lower college tuition since they don’t even go to college in state. In-state tuition is cheaper than …show more content…

“Increasing tuition is not popular” among institutes, and can harm the underprivileged, “but it’s not a bad approach if there are other built-in protections for low- and middle-income students” (Johnson). As a senior fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California, Johnson is qualified to talk about universities becoming in a budgetary bind and wanting more out-of-state residents to attend their university, while also stating that if colleges increase their tuition it can aid more in-state students into being accepted. Educational institutes spend an abundance amount of money on pointless things they don’t need, instead they should be saving that money to help fill the budget gap the university has accumulated. While some people might say out-of-students pay more tuition and can help solve the university's debt by accepting more out-of-state, however; it doesn’t get the college completely out of debt and they can simply increase the tuition for in and out-of-state to get more money and assist students into getting a higher education by doing so. Accordingly, educational institutes should raise their tuition to help get out of debt rather than declining in-state

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