
Tumor Cells And Its Effects On The Body Of Cancer Patients Essay

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In the research paper, Transfer of a malignant trait to BRCA1 deficient human fibroblasts following exposure to serum of cancer patients by Dana Hamam and her colleagues, the idea of any cells within the human body that contain a single oncosuppressor mutation and can assimilate cancer factors and endure a successful malignant transformation is explored. Hamam first goes into detail about the background of cancer. A person that is diagnosed with cancer, it is usually the metastasis (the spreading) of cancer that instigates the poor healthy and possible death of the individual. Due to the statistic, Dana Hamam reviewed a piece of literature that explained the possibility of that the primary tumor cells may not be the only thing spreading throughout the body of cancer patients, but cancer cell-derived factors may also be making their way through the body as well. These cancer cell-derived factors, in theory, would create a niche that would allow malignant cancer cells to take host in other organs in the body. The factors could be numerous things such as proteins or nucleic acids that may perhaps be either floating around in the bloodstream or hitching a ride in exosomes (small extracellular membrane-enclosed vesicles). This process of trait transfers through blood circulating factors is named genometastasis. Hamam actually did an experiment on human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293) that was exposed to cancer. Those embryonic kidney cells were transformed into malignant cancer

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