
Turbidity Levels : Causes Of Algal Growth

Decent Essays

A recent increase in algae could be caused by excessive nutrients in the water, and the high concentration of these nutrients can also cause an increase in algae production. Another way that algae could increase would be if there is a high water temperature,which can cause algae to increase throughout the year. In addition, low light conditions can rapidly increase the population of algae. Lastly, when turbidity( which is the presence of matter and particles) is low it establishes an optimal environment for algal growth.
To determine if excessive nutrients is the reason for algal growth, take water from a water source that is nutrient rich, and then take water from a water source that has low/average nutrient levels. If the water that is nutrient rich produces algae then nutrient richness could be the effect of algal growth. To test if high temperature water is the reason for the rapid algal growth, take two samples of water(one from high temperature and one from low) then compare the results to see which temperature water produces more algal growth. Lastly, you can compare the turbidity levels, which is the presence of matter and particles. You can compare how turbidity levels affect algal growth.
If phosphorus is the cause of the recent growth of algal, you can hypothesis that the phosphorus quantity has increased. Since the growth of algae has greatly increased(and phosphorus is the predicted cause of algae growth) , you can predict that the phosphorus quantity has

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