
Two Egyptian Sectors: Muslim Brotherhood versus Egyptian Army

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The recent revolutions in Egypt divided Egyptians’ into two sectors: The supporters of Muslim brotherhood, and the supporters of the Egyptian army “Anti-Muslim brotherhood group”. It created diversity in Egyptians’ social life (Fleishman & Hassan, 2013). To know why this problem started in Egypt we need to study both sectors, because a problem like that cannot exist over night. It is definitely an accumulation of long decades.
Hasan Al-Bana is the man who started the Muslim brotherhood group back in 1928. The Muslim brotherhood group is a religious and political organization (Muslim Brotherhood, 2013). Al-Banna defines the Islamic homeland as consisting of: 1.The country itself. 2. The other Islamic countries, for all of them are seen as …show more content…

. . ] Rebuilding the international prominence of the Islamic Umma by liberating its lands [ . . . ] until once again the long awaited unity and the lost Khilafah is returned. (p.77)

In 1950 Sayyid Qutb, a theoretician of the brotherhood came up with an ideology of Jihad against non-Islamic entities, and then he inspired many, which unfortunately led to some terrorism acts. In 1966 the government persecute the Muslim brotherhood group (Hauslohner et al.,2011). At that time Egypt’s government banned the organization twice, so most Egyptians hated the group because what it brought to the name of Islam (Muslim Brotherhood, 2013). In 1980 the Muslim brotherhood group were very smart to channel their energies into the social aspects in Egypt, by helping for example the education; they wanted people to believe in them and trust them again. They started to appear in political representations by nominating independent candidates (Hauslohner et al.,2011). By entering the politics world, the Muslim brotherhood had learned a lesson: politics in Egypt is not about wining votes as much as it is about assembling the largest crowd (Vick, Khalil, & Newton-small, 2013). The Muslim brotherhood group established the freedom and justice party. In 2011 the freedom and justice party joined the protests that led to president Mubarak’s ouster. In June 2012 the freedom and justice party presidential candidate Morsi won the elections and became Egypt’s first democratically elected president.

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