
Two Major Unions in America Essay

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Two Major Unions in America

Unions in America were created to improve the working conditions of its labor force. These labor force consisted of the men, women, and children that were employed by the owners of industry. Many unions were established in the early 1800s, but due to the widespread fear of socialism and the repression from the courts, the majority of them eventually failed. Most capitalist, at the time, felt there was no need to share with its employees the profits of their businesses (Murrin et al. 2002:685-702). Management, for the most part, paid little attention to salary and provided few, if any, safety measures and health protection for the people actually doing the work. Employees worked long hours weekly, often …show more content…

Supreme Court, repeatedly found unions in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, even though that act had been intended to control corporations, not unions” (Murrin et al. 2002:701).

Later in their careers some of these men became humanitarians. But instead of providing social reform in the work place with better wages and other benefits, they distributed large quantities of their wealth instead to colleges and libraries; now they were looked at as heroes by society.

Consequently, due to abuses from employers to the people under them, laws and regulations to protect workers were established and are now enforced by the U.S. Department of Labor. These laws protect over 10 million employers and about 125 million employees (2003). As written in the Department of Labors’ General Information website, it says

“In carrying out this mission, the Department administers a variety of Federal labor laws including those that guarantee workers’ rights to safe and healthful working conditions; a minimum hourly wage and overtime pay; freedom from employment discrimination; unemployment insurance; and other income support” (2003).

The involvement of the federal government helped curb or eliminate conditions as those found in sweatshops and other places. These jobsites usually were where people had to put in long hours under unsafe working conditions.

The Industrial Workers of the World Union (IWW), unlike the Department of Labor, is mainly concerned with the labor

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