
Two Years Are Better Than Four By Liz Addison

Decent Essays

The College Experience Lives On
In the essay, Two Years Are Better Than Four, the author, Liz Addison, gives her opinion on the importance of community college. The main point that she is trying to convey to her audience is that going to a community college is not harming the essential college experience. For some individuals, such as herself, the two-year college experience is exactly what they need to further their education. Community college is an affordable place that can “foster dreams (Addison)”. Throughout the reading, Addison makes compelling statements to prove the point which she is trying to make.
Throughout the essay she refers to writer by the name of Rick Perlstein. She gives him credit for his opinion. The main idea of his article is that he believes that the college experience as we know it is coming to an end. Although Perlstein believes this to be true, Addison disagrees with his statement. She strongly feels that community college is the answer. This is apparent through her writing, “The philosophy of the community college, and I have been to two of them, is one that unconditionally allows its students to begin. Just begin (Addison).” College is a time of firsts according to Addison. Addison points out that community colleges are affordable, as well as easily accessible. A place to start dreaming.
Addison also talks about how community college can be entered even with lower grades from her high school years. The example that she had given in the

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