
Tying Together Yin, Yang, Dao, and the Chinese Dream of Golden Age

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1/ Explain the concepts of “Yin” and “Yang”. Using pp. 227 ff in the textbook, try to tie them together with an early understanding of the “Dao” (“Tao”) and the Chinese dream of a ‘Golden Age’. The concepts of Yin, Yang, and Dao are beliefs the early Chinese had to better understand the order of nature and its elements. Yang is male energy, and is understood to stand for dry and warm elements in nature, as well as for active and expansive elements. Yin is the female energy, and is therefore the opposite of yang; it is wet and cold, slower and regressive in nature. Furthermore, yang objects (males) are seen as positive, heavenly and more important elements then yin objects (females). Objects in nature may at times have both yang and yin …show more content…

For this reason, the Dao De Jing teaches that a wise human would hold both yin and yang in balance, and incorporate traits, from both, into their lifestyle. Dao also believes in the fact that what goes around comes around, and though someone may not follow the Dao way, nevertheless, in the end, all reverses. Daoism, according to Zhuang-zi, believed that in a world with perfect order and change there is no universal truth or right way that all creatures must conform to. (Noss and Grangaard 234-241) 3/ Give a brief overview of different variations of Ancestor Veneration. Ancestor veneration was partly the result of a strong relationship based on interdependence of one another. The ancestors deepened on the living to keep them connected to the family, and the memory of them alive. This was done through prayers and sacrifices that were offered up to them. The living depended on their ancestors to provide the family with prosperity and good fortune. Any honor or favor the family received was also received by their ancestor, likewise, the same was true for any disgrace or injury received. Another way a family showed ancestor veneration was through pilgrimages taken by the whole family to their ancestor’s graves where they would leave offerings and restore their graves. Moreover, families also constructed shrines, in their homes, in tribute to their ancestors, and this was the place where sacrifices, prayers, requests and important decisions were presented before the ancestors

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