Tyler Mentzer is 18 years old and grew up in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. He is freshman at Elizabethtown college and is a pre-physical therapy major who also a part of the wrestling team.
His part-time job over the summer included being a cashier at a grocery store.
Tyler’s primary motivation pattern is teaching, training and guiding. During Tyler’s junior year of high school he tore is meniscus during wrestling season. He had to undergo surgery and extensive physical therapy. He eventually re-tore his meniscus a year later and had to return to physical therapy. He genuinely enjoyed the atmosphere of physical therapy and also was infatuated by the job of a physical therapist.
For Tyler’s secondary motivation I sensed him to be a helper, server and caretaker. During his time in high school he attended THON to help children with cancer. He also went on a missionary trip during his freshman year to West Virginia to help people in low income communities.
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A common theme that reoccurred during Tyler’s interview was that he enjoyed group activities and team sports. His intended major of pre-physical therapy will allow him to acquire a career where he will have to work with a team of people to solve problems. He also has a passion for team
Ever since I was a kid, it has been my life goal to help as many people I can. I have moved around in many different areas of the medical field, but no career had caught my eye as much as physical therapy. As an athlete, I have been in and out of the physical therapist’s office for a majority of my life. Each time I have went I could not help but be beyond grateful for what these people have done for me; they have given me the ability to play the sport I love despite all the hiccups. Physical therapy is a dynamic field within the field of medicine because as a physical therapist one can make a difference in the lives of his or her patients, enjoy job security, and enjoy a rewarding and personally satisfying career.
Currently attending the University of Dubuque, this bright-eyed young man found himself falling in love with the health wellness and exercise science program. Dreams of being able to work with the NFL or NBA as a professional physical therapist. Keeping his head on right is allowing him to successfully get through his first semester strong and well-balanced. With his background in football itself, he knows the ins and outs of what makes a person who is an athlete tick. Being able to aid someone who is hurt,
I am an intern with the Quad City Mallards, and as I sit at the Fan Accommodations table I watch Tyler interact with the people. He has a way that makes people feel welcomed and he makes it his duty to remember everybody that he comes across. As I help fans, I will have at least 3 people come and ask where Tyler is. Most of the time it isn’t because they need help, they just generally enjoy talking to him. The way he holds himself is extraordinary; chin held high, always happy, and nothing you do can bring him down. No matter who you are, you can see the charisma that he carries with him from a mile away. Tyler is
Viewing an episode on Oprah, he was inspired by the comment made pertaining to a difficult experience could lead to personal breakthroughs. So he took that comment to heart. Tyler started writing soul-searching letters to himself. These letters were about full of pain and in time and forgiveness. With taking that comment from Oprah, these letters inspired a musical, I Know I've Been Changed. In 1992, he headed for Atlanta, with his life’s savings, hoping that his musical would have sold out crowds. He spent all of his earnings, hoping that this would occur, unfortunately, the crowds did not show up. Then was faced with poverty that infected his youth. He spent months sleeping in motels, and his car. Still keeping faith in his dream, he secured a strong bond with the church and kept
Laying on the couch scrolling through the T.V guide, reading the information for shows and movies. Nothing seemed to catch my attention until I came across “Just Wright”- “Leslie Wright is a physical therapist. At a gas station she meets a basketball player, Scott McKnight. Scott becomes injured, an injury that could possibly ruin his career. Leslie encourages him and helps him get back in the game. Because Leslie helped Scott recover in such a short amount of time, many teams offered her the position as an athletic trainer.” As I watched it I could relate my career goal to the movie. “Just Wright” inspired me to become a physical therapist for athletes.
I work as a gymnastics coach at Trousdell Gymnastics Center. It is a recreational center that provides programs for all Tallahassee residents, specializing in gymnastics and exercise. The goal of this organization is to provide a safe and affordable program that keeps the community fit and engaged. They offer recreational gymnastics classes for boys and girls of all ages. There are also preschool and kindergarten programs for the younger children. On the other end of the spectrum there are adult classes that teach gymnastics and overall fitness. In addition, the gym offers classes for children with special needs. Finally, Trousdell offers a competitive gymnastics program for exceptional boys and girls. Three Olympic gymnasts have come through this program. Trousdell Gymnastics Center is named after a former Tallahassee Parks and Recreation Director Randy Trousdell, a man passionate about his community and the health of its children. Since it’s opening over 60 years ago the gym has impacted 500,000 children’s lives. I coach recreational classes for girls ages seven to fifteen years old. I begin every class by leading an extensive stretch and then we go to the events of the day where I set up stations for gymnasts to practice different skills. I end every class with conditioning to help the gymnasts grow stronger so that they can perform skills successfully. Trousdell Gymnastics Center coaches have a responsibility to these children. It is our goal to make the two hours a
A large part of Tyler's symbolism comes from his clothing. While the Narrator dresses conservatively, even after he abandons his old life, Tyler's clothes are always outrageous. His "business attire" consists of a white suit in which he looks more like a pimp than a businessman; his jacket is red leather, his choice of shirts is unusual to say the least, and his pants always seem a couple sizes too big for him and are worn low on his hips. A few articles of clothing carry more symbolism than others.
The Giver, by Lois Lowry is about a young boy named Jonas who is growing up in a utopian society. In The Giver they have no memories of anything that has pain even involved which meant that the community had to get rid of some joyful things also. Jonas, the receiver, and The Giver himself are the only two that know the memories. The author, Lois Lowry, was given the Newbery medal in 1994. In her acceptance speech of the medal she stated things in her life that influenced her book, The Giver. Many of the events in Lois Lowry’s life had really influenced many of the big events in The Giver.
My experience also enabled me to understand how an individual’s mentality, anatomy, and body movements can contribute to the overall progress of healing as it requires a lot of patience and motivation. Therefore, pursuing a degree in Kinesiology would be my greatest desire as I want to help individuals heal through methods of physical movements and because I believe it encompasses two of my favourite subjects, science and physical education. Throughout my experience in high school, my interest in health and physical activities has only grown stronger. As an illustration, over the past four years, I have been involved in various sports such as the varsity girl’s soccer team, varsity girl’s flag football team, and badminton
When I broke my Tibia and Fibula playing football my sophomore year of high school, I started to really think about what I wanted to do with my life. I had a lot of love for playing football, and I knew that I did not want to stray too far away from the sport. It wasn’t until I started going to physical therapy that I realized that I didn’t have to, so I decided that I wanted to be a physical therapist, to help other people get back on their feet. However, my junior year, we got a new athletic trainer at my high school. So, I decided to ask Mrs. Pam if she would mind if I shadowed her, to learn more about what she did, and how to help other players with their injuries. She agreed, and I spent my junior and seniors years shadowing her. I learned
To satisfy my curiosity and gain a broad understanding of athletic training, I chose to interview my boss, Pete Stevens. Pete is employed by Physiotherapy Associates, a nationwide corporation that specializes in physical/occupational therapy, athletic training, and fitness/sports training. He has worked there for three years. He is currently the Head
This step lays the groundwork towards my expertise in athletic training. My schooling provides the opportunity to acquire the experience I will apply to different circumstances in the future, and permits me the ability to test my proficiency of the situations. Education forms the way I will react to distinct situations. With this necessary information, I will not only be confident in myself , but I will also have the same confidence in the decisions I make. As time goes on, continuing education will be an essential component which will aid in remaining up to date with regards to revised treatment plans and enhanced
With the help of teachers and my efforts, I have been successful and was even a recipient of an academic achievement award for students with a 3.6 GPA or higher. It is not always easy learning the materials, studying and placing my thoughts onto paper, yet I will continue to advocate for myself in any circumstance necessary. Despite having learning challenges in the classroom, it does not limit my activities outside of the classroom. I love to volunteer! One of my favorite activities includes being a volunteer buddy for the Miracle League of the Fox Valley. The Miracle League is a baseball organization for children and adolescents with physical and/or cognitive challenges. My role of a buddy is to assist my fellow buddy in any needs she may need, protect her from possible injuries and make sure she is having fun! I love having the opportunity of being a buddy, it has formed a forever lasting companionship and provided smiles that touch us all! Addition to the Miracle League, I’m a member of National Honor Society in which I volunteer in several community organizations to help better the community. I was honored to be selected as a Link Crew member. It has been one of my greatest opportunities to advocate for my peers with disabilities. This is a first time that Appleton North Link Crew created a program for students with physical and cognitive challenges to be included in a freshman transition program in
Alfred Hitchcock is known as the “master of suspense” and a great innovator. This talented director has created four of the top ten mystery films of the American Film Institute’s top, which include Vertigo, North by Northwest, Rear Window and Dial M for Murder. With 14 times nominations of the Academy Award and Directors Guild of America Awards, Hitchcock is no doubt one of the most outstanding and prolific filmmaker of the last century. Hitchcock’s films became a major influence to many directors that came after him and his name will be forever associated with suspense. Behind his huge success on genre film is the unique and attractive skills that he used to build the suspense and attract the audience.
I didn’t know what I was going to study or what my plans for the future were. I began speaking with a variety of professionals in areas such as healthcare and business. During my pursuit of finding a career path I decided to observe a physical therapist as well as a physical therapist’s assistant at Northwest Ohio Orthopedics and Sports Medicine. While observing, I was able to view the physical therapist work with a diverse group of patients. One patient was a young athlete working towards rehabilitating a knee injury. Although this particular patient helped gain my interest in physical therapy, there was another patient that genuinely opened my eyes to the importance of physical therapy as a profession. This patient was a middle aged woman who had been in a car accident and had shattered multiple bones spanning from her foot up to her hip on one side of her body. When I met her, she had been working with physical therapists for months and was just beginning to get comfortable walking short distances. Meeting this woman changed my perception of the profession, and after these observations I decided physical therapy was what I ultimately wanted to do with my life. I began contemplating how I could use my strengths and make a difference in this career. Hopefully, from my knowledge of science obtained from the exercise science curriculum I would be able to develop new methods of