
Types Of Nonsense Point Mutation

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Genetic Disorders of Nonsense Point Mutations
Gene expression is regulated by the cell, and genetic mutations can cause permanent changes in the cell’s genetic material. Specifically, one type of mutation that occurs in a cell’s DNA is a nonsense point mutation. In this type of mutation, a chemical change in only one nitrogenous base results in a premature stop codon. This causes the translation to end early. In the given strand of DNA, the nitrogenous base Adenine was affected. Thymine was substituted in Adenine’s place. Therefore, the amino acid chain was altered, causing a premature stop codon. The sequence no longer continued after the stop codon was in place due to the mutation. However, if no mutation occurred, the polypeptide …show more content…

Hurler syndrome is one of three types of mucopolysaccharidosis and it is the most severe. The symptoms of Hurler Syndrome usually appear between the ages of three and eight (Foster, 2017). Many infants with severe Hurler syndrome demonstrate no symptoms until later in life. A few symptoms of this disorder are as followed: claw hands, deafness, stunted growth, joint disease, progressive intellectual disability, and retardation (A.D.A.M, 2017). Moreover, symptoms of this disease can range from mild to severe. Foster (2017) demonstrates that patients with this disease have thick, coarse facial features and low nasal bridges. A series of examinations, such as an EKG and a spinal X-ray, can be executed to test for Hurler Syndrome early on.
Though both disorders are incurable, there is a plethora of treatment options available. For example, Eteplirsen is an approved injection medication that helps treat individuals with a specific mutation of the gene that leads to DMD (Anirudh, 2017). However, the most commonly seen side effects of this treatment option are balance problems and vomiting. Eteplirsen works by increasing the production of dystrophin which could ultimately improve muscle function. In addition, surgeries are also available to fix shortened muscles, straighten the spine, or treat a heart or lung problem. Steroids such as prednisone slow muscle damage.

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