
Typhoid Fever 20th Century

Decent Essays

Typhoid fever is extremely contagious
The 19th to 20th century
Typhoid fever was a common thing in NYC
4000 new cases of Typhoid fever every year
1-10 die from the diseases
Experts were called in to find the source and they knew it was caused by food or drink
Try tried putting die in the toilet to see if it would come out in the drinking water, they tested the shellfish in the bay to see if the water was polluted, they tested the milk supplies and could not find it
A freelance civil engineer knows for to be able to find a diseases source named George Soper and he would move family’s out of their house and would ask the owner to burn down their house and would do sober figured out that the bacteria could only live on uncooked food
Mary Mallon

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