Social Behavior
Additional evidence of aggression is demonstrated by a tyrannosaur tooth embedded in a confamilar’s mandible. A Gorgosaurus or Daspletosaurus was attacked by another tyrannosaur. The tooth embedded matches the size and shape of a large, adult tyrannosaur. The lesion was unhealed, suggesting that the damage occurred either at the time of death or post mortem. This lack of healing indicates that the dinosaur either died during this attack or its corpse was later scavenged. It is not likely that this was fatal but may have inflicted enough damage to weaken the dinosaur. Neither the genus nor species of the attacker is known. Since it is only known that both dinosaurs were tyrannosaurs, this could be, at the very least, an instance
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However, some of these injuries do not match with the size and shape of a tooth. Another interpretation is that these lesions came from claws. Claws have not been thought to have caused these injuries because they are made of keratin, which is softer than bone. It would not seem likely then that claws would able to penetrate bone. This was disproved by testing whether tiger claws could damage bone. Tigers were provided an enrichment activity that only exposed their claws to bones bolted to a log. It was shown that tigers were able to scratch and puncture the bones. Substantial evidence of clawing is seen in the T. rex specimen “Peck” (MOR 980). A Tyrannosaurus claw aligns perfectly with the hole in this specimen’s mandible. The reexamination of these specimens indicate that these tyrannosaurs were not only attacked with manual claws but also pedal claws. This conclusion was established by comparing the size and shape of these holes to manual and pedal claws. Further evidence of aggression is supported by stress fractures in the metacarpal and phalanx of tyrannosaurs. These stress fractures may indicate that tyrannosaurs were frequently fighting with one another (Rothschild, …show more content…
Bones with little nutritional value, such as toe or feet bones, were likely not a result of predation or scavenging, since both of these behaviors should favor body areas with greater muscle or tissue. In addition, it has been found that there is seldom evidence of digestion of foot bones. As a result, tooth marks on these bones would not be evidence for feeding behaviors. Isolated bones with teeth marks have also been found, typically on bones with little nutritional value. These are found in sites that have no evidence of feeding. Feeding sites typically have splintered bones, spiral fractures and deep tooth marks in the surrounding bones. However, these attributes are not found with isolated bones, which suggests that there was no scavenging or predation at these sites. A suggestion for this phenomenon is that tyrannosaurs were playing with their food. There is no absolute definition of play that can be proven scientifically but this provides an alternate hypothesis to account for the markings on these bones. One example that may indicate this behavior is the tyrannosaur teeth markings found on the occipital condyle of a Triceratops. This bone has no nutritional value at all and is very hard. Since there were no shed teeth found at the site, it is not likely that the tyrannosaur was playing with food. This leads to the
The elongated arm bones that support the wing evolved in the first coelurosaur, which probably looked like ornitholestes. As far as we know feathers are unique to birds, but this doesn’t mean that birds are not dinosaurs. Because birds belong to the group called dinosaurs, it follows that birds are feathered dinosaurs. The closest known evolutionary relatives of birds are some of the small carnivorous dinosaurs, such as velociraptor, ornitholestes, and deinonychus. The difference between a Tyrannosaurus Rex and Apatosaurus is that almost everything about Tyrannosaurus Rex indicates enormous power of one of the largest theropod dinosaurs that ever existed. They have a 4-foot-long jaw, 6-inch-long teeth and massive thighbones. It is the largest and most fearsome carnivore of all time. The fossil was originally arranged so that the dinosaur stood
“He returned, shuddering, five minutes later, his arms soaked and red to the elbows”. This is Eckels. But he’s not always covered in blood. He is a brave and fearless hunter. Or at least that's what he wants us to think. In the short story “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury, Eckels is a hunter that travels back in time to hunt a dinosaur. More specifically, a T-Rex. Though Eckels is a skilled hunter of normal animals, he is insecure because he is trying to disguise his terror and anxiety by attempting to look like a tough and courageous hunter.
Which dinosaur was responsible for the death of the construction worker early in the novel? How is this dinosaur adapted for hunting?
While a theropod “beast-footed” carnivore includes the T. Rex, the ones that likely roamed Wrangel-St.Elias National Park were considerably smaller. The researchers found evidence of a single theropod that was likely a tiny 9 cm long and 7 cm wide due to an impression of the sinusoidal shape. Several ornithopod, medium and large plant-eating dinosaurs, was identified by blunt and rounded digit impressions which are usually 22 cm long and 26 wide. It was the first evidence that dinosaurs roamed this vast region.
Velociraptor, like other dromaeosaurids, had a large manus ('hand') with three strongly curved claws, which were similar in construction and flexibility to the wing bones of modern birds. The second digit was the longest of the three digits present, while the first was shortest. The structure of the carpal (wrist) bones prevented pronation of the wrist and forced the 'hands' to be held with the palmar surface facing inwards (medially), not downwards.[5] The first digit of the foot, as in other theropods, was a small dewclaw. However, whereas most theropods had feet with three digits contacting the ground, dromaeosaurids like Velociraptor walked on only their third and fourth digits. The second digit, for which Velociraptor is most famous, was highly modified and held retracted off the ground. It bore a relatively large, sickle-shaped claw, typical of dromaeosaurid and troodontid dinosaurs. This enlarged
The hardest parts of the body are the teeth. They give you a clue on an animal’s diet. Also, they are a good window on how different ways of feeding came about. In older rocks, at the same base, scientists find reptiles that look dog- like. The creatures that walked on the four legs had big skulls and sharp teeth. These reptiles had jaws of many bones. The higher in the rocks are, the
Certain types of large snakes, in particular boas and pythons, and cetaceans, whales and dolphins, are shown to have homologous hip bones, a pelvis and femur. These bones have previously been considered vestigial--organ or body part which became redundant through the course of evolution--, but upon further research, have shown to serve a purpose.
Should college athletes be paid in addition to getting free tuition? There are thousands of high school athletes who hope to be able to play college ball and receive a scholarship effectively paying for their college degree. It is a nice idea, free college for playing a child’s game, who wouldn’t want that. However it is not as easy as it sounds.
Contact sports like football, boxing, wrestling, and hockey have health risks associated with repetitive head trauma that can produce concussions. Players of these types of sports are at a significantly higher risk for developing long-term brain damage and cognitive impairment later in life. A concussion is a subset of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and results from shaking the brain within the skull. The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (the “AANS”) has defined a concussion as “a clinical syndrome characterized by an immediate and transient alteration in brain function, including an alteration of mental status and level of consciousness, resulting from mechanical force or trauma.” (Sports-related
For example, by the teeth, carnivores have sharp incisors and canines that are designed to tear apart flesh and muscle. we could determine if the animal ate meat or leafy vegetation, further determining if it acted as a predator or prey. 5. How do carnivore and primate skulls differ?
I decided to become a problem engineer to get a living and be in the area generally with many fossils. I decided to go onto the engineering side of the campus. It was all going to change for the best. T-rex DNA was discovered to of been preserved in the tyrannosaurus femur. I read the paper. It was thought to of been decaying bacteria. Even with much of the scientific community discrediting the paper my imagination when wild. It wasn’t amber like in Jurassic Park but, my inner child was awoken. Just the idea of preserved dinosaur DNA preserved somewhere sent excitement to my mind. Amazing being surrounded by Dinosaurs. Real Animals not just movie monsters from my early childhood. Many of my family members have questioned me on by blind stupidity towards dinosaurs. They remind me what happens at the end of the Jurassic Park movies. All I will reply within a sarcastic tone, “Death by Dinosaur. How many can put that on their tome stone.” Three years later they proved that the tyrannosaurus rex cells trapped inside and preserved by the high iron consideration of blood settling inside of the leg were real. I am still chittering with excitement about the possible end
First, Crichton noted that duckbilled dinosaurs were herbivores which are supported by a trace fossil found in the coal beds of the western North America that indicated footprints with plant fossils (Martin 2006). Furthermore, duckbilled dinosaurs lived in a vegetated environment that they had to consume enough food relative to their body size. Duckbilled dinosaurs had lengthened their skull and smoothed snout to obtain and process more food. The Dilophosaurus was described as two curved crests that extended from the eyes to the nose. The crest created a V shape on the head with red and black stripes on the crests (Crichton, 1990). Based on fossil evidence, the Dilophosaurus had two crests on the head, but there was no indication of the pigment of the crest. Next, the book stated that the T. rex does not bite the prey, instead, it twisted and tore the
The robust australopithecines or paranthropines had a curved face with a arch for the cheek bones that are formed by connecting the zygomatic and the temporal bones together. The robust australopithecines had a bone ridge on top of their skull called a sagittal crest, which is also attached to the jaw muscles. They had a flexable base just above were their jaw bone connected to their cheek bone. With their really large back teeth (below the cheek bone) the robust australopithecines fossils were known to the researchers as the “nutcracker man”. They used these really large back teeth to eat tough foods and nuts. And their teeth in the front were smaller.
Amphibians skin is moist and they do not consist of scales. The skin of an amphibian is also permeable. Permeable means that gases can pass through their skin. A reptiles’ scales provide them with a protective layer of skin that is tough and dry. The scales help to minimize the loss of body moisture, the reptilian scales consists of a protein called keratin. The scale structure of a reptile are not individual like those of a fish, but are a continuous sheet of epidermal tissue. Hard-shelled eggs provide a protective environment in which the embryo can develop and enables reptiles to lay their eggs in dry environments. On the other hand, amphibians must lay their eggs in or near water. The reptilian skeleton differs from other vertebrates in many ways. For example, reptiles have many bones in their lower jaw to enable them a greater bite mobility, but mammals only have one bone in their lower jaw called the mandible. Mammals ears consist of three bones(the malleus, incus, and stapes) while reptiles have just one bone(stapes). Reptiles also have only one occipital condyle(a protrusion on the skull that forms a joint that enables movement of the head) mammals on the other hand consist of two occipital condyles (Laura Klappenbach 2014).
Millions of years ago a dinosaur group, theropods, consisted of killing-machines like the T-Rex and the velociraptor, but recent research has proven that these bloodthirsty carnivores evolved into birds, trading their sharp teeth for beaks. This mind-blowing realization has confused many people for years, but Amy Balanoff reported her findings to show proof of the line of evolutionary descent from horrendous beast to feathery pet.