
Tyranny Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

In Philadelphia 1787, the constitutional convention took place. Representatives from each state gathered to discuss the topic of representation for states and slaves. Some colonist were worried about the issue of tyranny a “harsh, absolute power in the hands of one individual- like a king or dictator”, as said by James Madison The constitution guarded against tyranny by using federalism, separating the powers of the three branches, setting up the checks and balances systems,and by creating a bicameral legislature. In document A, James Madison states that power is “ first divided between the distinct governments, state and federal.” This idea of federalism , where state and federal governments share power. Powers like declaring war and printing money belong to the federal government, while establishing schools and others are left to the states. By dividing powers between the federal and state governments, James Madison Believed the …show more content…

By dividing power among 3 distinct branches, Madison believed the constitution would guard against tyranny and keep one branch from becoming too powerful. In document C, James Madison stated that “ the constant aim is to divide and arrange the several offices… that they may be a check on the other. This describes the ides of the checks and balances system that is represented in the three branches of government, and written into the constitution. This helps the three branches of government stay balanced and shows the rights of each branch. By using this system the branches cannot overpower each other, and because of this, the issue of tyranny is guarded by the

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