
U-Haul Truck Research Paper

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We packed the U-Haul truck to the roof with all our treasures acquired over the last twenty years living at the sea shore. As we pulled out of the driveway to begin our journey to Texas, my wife Susan wiped a tear from her eye. Susan always wanted to return to her birthplace in Texas, now was our chance, I lost my job at the marina. Blame it on the economy, people weren’t buying or using large powerboats like they were in the nineties. The marina kept losing money every year and the owner decided to sell the marina to a housing developer and retire, leaving the employees out of work at the end of the season. It was the first time in twenty years that I was unemployed. We were just able to break even with Susan’s part time nursing income and …show more content…

It seems that they didn’t plan on having five foot drivers, the seat, even when moved full forward left the pedals unreachable. If Susan scrunched forward to reach the pedals she couldn’t see over the steering wheel. We planned a more scenic route going through the Smokey Mountains something Susan always wanted to see and it looked like a shorter drive. The first day went fairly well, driving around Baltimore and Washington DC in bumper to bumper traffic was very hectic. Silently, I prayed the traffic would be lighter for the rest of the trip. I quickly discovered at our first fuel stop you can’t backup a U-Haul with a car in tow and we took up a much room as an eighteen wheeler. Future stops had to have plenty of room to exit straight ahead. Thankfully Google maps allowed us to plan motel stops that have restaurants within walking distance. Removing the car from the tow dolly proved to be more work than I originally thought, so I kept that option only for an …show more content…

Winding up and down the beautiful tree lined Mountains of Tennessee, provided a spectacular view, occasionally obscured by fog drifting in and out of the valleys. The second motel stop on the outskirts of a very small mountain town in Tennessee, consisted of a motel, gas station, restaurant and a few other stores. The whole town appeared to be one block long but surprisingly there was a steak house within walking distance. We looked forward to relaxing, having a steak and maybe a few beers before hitting the road the next day. It started to rain as we walked to the steakhouse across the road. The steakhouse appeared almost empty so I jokingly asked the hostess, “Do we need reservations?” The hostess, a shapely young thing in her late teens, didn’t get it as she replied, “No reservations needed tonight.” She started to show us to the right side dining room, but I noticed another waitress wave her to the left section. The left side seemed to be completely empty as we slid into a spacious booth near the back

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