
Tractor Packer Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

A few months back i was driving on I 81 with my mom, and at the time i only had my learners. So i was driving in the right lane and right next to me was a tractor trailer, so we approach the sign that says the weight station is open. So knowing the tractor trailer is beside me needing to get over i speed up to try and past him. Well as i increase speed, so does the tractor trailer. So we are now about 15 feet away from the weigh station, and me and the tractor trailer are still side by side increasing speed. So basically it's just a game of chicken. We are now approaching the on ramp , and the tractor trailer turns on its blinkers to come over to the right lane ,but slight problem, were still side by side. So i start slamming on the brake

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