The legal options for an undocumented immigrant to come into the United States is to a) apply for a green card, b) have a temporary visa, c) apply for the visa waiver program, or d) apply for immigration benefits. Without completing one of these you risk the chance of not being able to enter the US, or being able to get a green card ever. The over complicated, patchy, and incongruous government procedure does not properly serve those trying to legally immigrate into the United States. No matter how miserable you perceive your life to be living in the United States, every year millions of people are repeatedly going through this gruesome systems just to become a US citizen.
The biggest problem with the United States’ immigration system is how over complicated and problematic it is. Each process you have to go through is extremely lengthy and vastly vague. In Mohammed Naseehu Ali’s case, the author of The Prophet of Zongo Street and a teacher at NYU, over complication is displayed within the system as he says, “It would take two tries and an additional three years of daily worry before I got the call, early one February morning in 2010, informing me
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Not only can government officials virtually do whatever they want, no matter what the situation, but no one is demanding change. As reported by Carlos Garcia, a Mexican researcher who is one of the world’s leading authorities on gangs from California and Central America, stated from a case in early February, “It sounds like they[Homeland Security agents] are accusing him of belonging to every possible gang.” Even after all interrogations and research was done the agent's persisted that the tattoo on the immigrants arm, the name of where he was born, was gang affiliated and considered him a ‘public safety threat’. As we can see the government is willing to go to extreme nonsense in order to confine another immigrant, legal or
Although it can seem that the immigration policy is very complex may not be the most organized, I agree with how the system works currently by the National Federal government. The current policy is the Naturalization Act. The policy's principals are based on reunification of families, admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable our country's economy, protecting refugees and promoting diversity. Annually, there is a worldwide limit of 675,000 immigrants that can come into the US. Family based immigration(specifically regulated by the limited amounts i.e. unmarried adult children, spouses, minors, all have set number limits). Employment based immigration and refugees. Temporary Visa's are classified in terms of eligibility requirements.
People all over the world come to the United States of America for better opportunities, such as employment and reuniting with family. These people are immigrants. However, many people immigrate illegally, meaning they do not comply with proper protocol for becoming a U.S. citizen. Throughout the history of America, reformation of immigration policy has already been implicated in federal law. Presently, immigration reforms are being considered to make it easier for foreigners to start a new life in the United States of America.
From the founding of this country to today, America has been built on a nation of immigrants. Today, with the increase of our nations illegal immigrant population, the effects are bringing the immigration policy of the United States into question. The problem with America's immigration system is that the people that are here illegally are not taking it seriously, yet they still want to have all of the rights that legal law abiding United States citizens have. Immigration has been a hot button issue in all three branches of the government, and more and more citizens are asking that something be done about our immigration policy. America's immigration system is broken and we need to do something to fix it before it is to far gone.
Immigration has always been a complex issue in the United States. Previous and current administrations have had great difficulties in setting policies and programs in place to address this problem. During the course of American history, laws were enacted to address such issues. There were numerous legislative milestones in regards to immigration in the United States. In order to understand the current issues regarding immigration, we have to look back at the policies that were in place along with the goals that they intended to serve. According to (Barusch, 2012), the United States had an open immigration policy; which means that anyone could relocate to this country. As a result of this policy, the government had to redefine
The United States and Canada immigration system is both complex and kind of similar to one another. The United States is a huge immigration destination for a lot of legal and illegal immigrants. The US has been a huge immigration location for a large amount of time now. Canada is not far behind the United States when it comes down to immigration although the US has more. The US legal immigrants have a green card to be a United States citizen and have the rights as a United States citizen. In the United States immigrants help benefit major business by the great labor they put in. The United States immigrants are very diverse with the Asians being the most. There is a lot of illegal immigrants as well as legal and that is why some of the US citizen say “the broken border”.
The United States’ Immigration policy is best summarized through the ancient proverb, “the road to hell, is paved on good intentions" when a nation’s immigration is based on entirely on fear, the results will be hell towards the immigrants. this quote )[hook] [Thesis, rewrite] The United States' immigration policy was crafted by racist politicians, influenced by anti-immigration groups, in an effort to prevent and oppress immigrants who were seen as undesirable from coming to the United States. United States immigration policy was created to prevent undesirable immigrants such as the Irish, Italians, Chinese, Japanese, Mexicans, Muslims, and African Americans, from legally immigrating into the nation. From the mid-19th century until now, multiple
In the United States immigration has almost always been a controversial topic to discuss. James Madison wrote that "Our kind reception of immigrants is very proper, but it is dictated more by benevolent [sic] than by interested consideration, though some of them seem to be very far from regarding the obligations as lying on their side"(Madison, James) When Madison wrote this he had no clue of the problems that immigration could cause in the modern day United States in the last five to six decades. To better the U.S 's immigration policy, reforms are a necessary practice in order to better the involvement in immigration to the U.S. for both the immigrants and for the country.
Imagine needing to move to a new country because of violence, limited job opportunities, or an oppressive government. Now imagine finding out it may take up to 20 years to get out of that dangerous environment. This is the reality millions of immigrants trying to come to America face every day. In order to become a US citizen, one must first possess a Green Card for at least 5 years, be at least 18 years of age at the time of filing for citizenship, be able to read, write, and speak basic English, submit an N-400 form, take the US Naturalization Test, and have a personal interview to determine if said immigrant is a person of good moral character. This process takes at least 5 years, and that’s if said immigrant does not run into any troubles with filing. Because of this lengthy process, millions of immigrants, many with
The United States immigration policy has never pleased all Americans and probably never will. Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, politicians have toiled continuously with the broken system. For example, Congress attempted to strengthen the western border by passing the Illegal Immigrant Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act in 1996 ("Historical Overview"). Although the proposed increase in Border Patrol agents seemed promising, insufficient funding kept the act from adequate enforcement ("Historical Overview"). Now, President Obama is trying to fix the immigration policy. Last November, the president issued an executive order so that his immigration proposal would be passed. In his proposal, his main focus was removing people who pose a threat to our country, as well as continuing to dispose of illegal immigration along the southern border ("Immigration"). Even though a few of the President 's critical points may be effective, it simply is not enough to remedy what has been broken for so long. Changes need to be made to our country 's immigration policy in order for it to be effective.
The United States’ immigration system has several flaws that no one seems to know how to address. There have been several attempts to correct these flaws like accommodating immigrants with the Dream Act and trying to eliminate illegal entries into the U.S by spending billions of dollars on border patrol. However, there are flaws in those attempts also. For example, according to Daniel Gonzalez, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients are having a hard time finding jobs and, in some states, are prohibited from getting a drivers license. Also, the billions of dollars that have been poured into increased border patrol “reduced but did not stop unauthorized entries” (Mae M. Ngai). Perhaps the flaws in the U.S. immigration system are present because the attempts to fix them contradict one another. Congress tries to make border patrol stricter, but yet attempt to accommodate undocumented immigrants. Nevertheless, these contradictions should be brought to the attention of the public and even Congress for three reasons: the U.S. have attempted to accommodate migrants, but their actions are severely flawed, there is too much money being spent on border patrol, but illegal entry still exists and is somewhat encouraged, and the House of Representatives and Senate can’t agree on how to approach the issue. These are issues that both current and future migrants and immigrants should care about because they should be accommodated in a way that is easy for them to live the
Throughout time, around the world there has been an invisible racial barrier which has affected race, colonialism, enslavement, policies, and incarceration. Multiple efforts have been made to break down the racial boundary but in reality, racism is still very alive to this day. Progress has been slow to end the race boundaries due to changes in US Immigration laws, changes in the US Criminal Justice system, and the problems of the 20th century being the problem of the color line.
Immigration is a timely issue that took my interest, and being an immigrant it was the first topic that came to my mind for this problem-solution research paper. It is imperative that the citizens must know that there are underlying major problems that are associated with the current immigration policy of the country. Thus, the United States’ government must address this serious problem with the majority support of its citizens. By tackling the issue of immigration, it will not just resolve one problem, but the elemental aspects that go along with it as well. The main objective of this argument paper is to increase awareness by presenting the opposing arguments concerning immigration. Also, to help enlighten the minds of the people, and
There are many Asian immigrants that come to the United States in hopes of living out their American dream of becoming United States citizens. My parents came here exactly for that same reason, so they can give my sisters and I the opportunity to live a better life. We were fortunate enough to have our relatives help us get here, making it a little less difficult for us compared to other families that took a different path to becoming citizens. However, it was not always this easy for an Asian immigrant family like ours to become naturalized citizens. It used to be near impossible for immigrants of Asian descent to become a United States citizen, but in recent years, there have been a spur of people with Asian ethnicity who are
Over the years, the United States has tried to find a better immigration system but has yet to find the correct method. Many immigrants flood the United States each year in search of a better life. However, some illegally cross the border with criminal intentions. Having large amounts of people crossing the border illegally can be a threat to national security. Sometimes they take advantage of the 14th Amendment that allows any individual born in the U.S. automatically becomes a U.S. citizen.
Sweden has experienced a dramatic increase in its number of immigrants, particularly asylum seekers, receiving more refugees per capita than any other European country in the past couple of years, further straining the housing system. Public housing companies have assumed significant responsibility, through leases of accommodation centers to the Swedish Migration Agency and letting homes directly to newcomers. Much of these efforts though are insufficient, as many new arrivals languish in temporary housing without prospects for more permanent settlement. Some situations are so dire that refugees are housed in heated tents for lack of other accommodation options. Segregation is also especially pronounced, and many fear a lack of