
USDA Personal Statement

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Ever since I decided to major in Animal Science one group that I always talked to when I went to college fairs was the USDA. The USDA always told me the facts that any student wanted to hear, that if you worked for them they would pay for your student debt and that you would get a higher pay rate within the first five years of work. However, I was more interested in the work that they do and how they can help me achieve my goal.
The USDA has a mission to keep the United States safe for people to eat to reduce the spread of diseases from animal to man. For a veterinarian it would be my job to observe the animals and plants to insure that the animal is well so that it does not spread. As a veterinarian we would have make sure that the food the livestock eat is healthy and clean for them and to insure that consumers are getting more their money. We would have to make sure that the food and medication that the livestock get do not affect the people. The USDA also has other mission that I appreciate like ending world hunger, and education the …show more content…

I would be able to graduate school early and debt free, so that I may be able to get into veterinary school earlier than expected. By taking summer course I would be able to apply for other internships that are mostly for juniors and seniors. I could also have more opportunity and time to work at clinics or farms, so that I may gain more experience. Also, with the help of this scholarship I will be able to some of my financial load off of my parents. Since they are helping me pay for school I want to be able to take of that extra load for them since they have to pay off their student loans as well as taking care of my sister and things at home. This would also be easier for me since I will have to take out a student loan for veterinary school. Since veterinary school takes a lot of time and money I would rather end my undergrad year early and debt

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