Ever since I decided to major in Animal Science one group that I always talked to when I went to college fairs was the USDA. The USDA always told me the facts that any student wanted to hear, that if you worked for them they would pay for your student debt and that you would get a higher pay rate within the first five years of work. However, I was more interested in the work that they do and how they can help me achieve my goal.
The USDA has a mission to keep the United States safe for people to eat to reduce the spread of diseases from animal to man. For a veterinarian it would be my job to observe the animals and plants to insure that the animal is well so that it does not spread. As a veterinarian we would have make sure that the food the livestock eat is healthy and clean for them and to insure that consumers are getting more their money. We would have to make sure that the food and medication that the livestock get do not affect the people. The USDA also has other mission that I appreciate like ending world hunger, and education the
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I would be able to graduate school early and debt free, so that I may be able to get into veterinary school earlier than expected. By taking summer course I would be able to apply for other internships that are mostly for juniors and seniors. I could also have more opportunity and time to work at clinics or farms, so that I may gain more experience. Also, with the help of this scholarship I will be able to some of my financial load off of my parents. Since they are helping me pay for school I want to be able to take of that extra load for them since they have to pay off their student loans as well as taking care of my sister and things at home. This would also be easier for me since I will have to take out a student loan for veterinary school. Since veterinary school takes a lot of time and money I would rather end my undergrad year early and debt
Prior to high school, my uncle was my chemistry teacher. As a food scientist, he was to me a great inventor who knew everything about the magic of taste, texture, and aroma; I still remember his lecture on “good” chocolate and how cocoa butter—solid at room temperature—melts readily in our mouths. Raised on an early appreciation for the power of applied science, I am now driven toward chemical science by a desire to uncover solutions to challenges in the modern world.
The USDA is the federal executive department, which is responsible for obtaining the federal government policy on farming, agriculture, forestry, and food. With this huge amount of responsibility, there are many knowledgeable people behind the USDA. Working for them would provide
I chose NDSU because I feel like I was pretty well acquainted with the campus during my time in high school. Each summer, for FFA, my chapter, along with others from across the state, spent a week here competing in different agricultural competitions. Also, I talked with alumni from this nursing program, and they all said it was set up very well, and also put them on a track to getting a good job afterwards. When I came for a tour earlier this spring, I got to hear a speech from the Dean of nursing, and I just sort of felt like this was the right place. On a side note, I like being here because of the agricultural side of NDSU as well, even if I’m not necessarily going into a field pertaining to it. It seems more like home to me, when the person next to me, going into Vet Tech, rides horse as much as I did.
I would like to apply for a 2016 summer internship in the accounting department at the Tennessee Valley Authority Corporate Headquarters in Knoxville. After doing research online and with my career counselor, Robin Lay, at Tusculum College I have decided that the Tennessee Valley Authority would be a stupendous place to begin gaining real world experience and knowledge in the accounting field.
This school year, I want to get more involved with clubs and athletics that interest me. I am in HOSA and Student Government; which I would like to run for a office in Student Government at the end of the school year. I was also apart of the football and basketball teams and I am also going to try to be on the track team. Furthermore, as the year progresses, I want to receive all A's in my classes (have succeeded so far). In English this year I am going to further my reading and writing skills. To do so, I will need to practice these skills continuously which I feel that I can accomplish.
The field of education sparks my interest and it is the field I would love to be working in, in the near future. The role of a teacher is a very important one and is one that is not suited for everyone. A teacher needs to respect students, create a sense of community and belonging in the classroom, be warm, accessible, enthusiastic, and caring. These are all qualities I hope to be acquiring with my experiences working with young children. Being in the school of education and human services here at PCTI has been a wonderful learning experience throughout the years.
I have been interested in Technology and certain aspects of Science since I was a child. As I became older I came to a realization of how much I love Technology; I began to excel in my technology and engineering classes but not do as great in my science classes. I began to loathe science as I took upon the love of Engineering. As I have researched different types of engineering in previous years, I have stumbled across Agricultural and Environmental Engineering. I have decided instead of seeing science a challenge I cannot overcome I should work harder to be better at the subject. Therefore, I can combine my love for the planet and horticulture with my love for technology and engineering. Having an internship at USDA as a Senior will further help me achieve my goal of having a career in the STEM field. I feel having an Internship my senior year will cause me to further succeed as the research I will hopefully be doing can cause me to grasp a better understanding of the different types of careers open to me in the future.
After I graduate, I want to work for the United States Geological Survey (USGS). I believe the thorough investigative work expected and performed at the USGS is vital to the integrity of the United States. Working for this incredible institute would allow me to uphold my life aspirations of environmental monitoring and protection to provide security from effects which threaten the natural landscape. With three semesters left before graduation, I am still unsure what field of study I am most passionate, ground water movement, subsurface imaging or natural hazard outlook, but the USGS is the place for me. This organization’s meticulous research responsibility warrants the best geologists and minds in the field. I will need further education, beyond undergraduate, to work for the USGS.
What is the FFA? The FFA stands for Future Farmers of America. Many people don’t realize however that it has it’s own history and traditions. As well as there are multiple benefits in joining this organization. Though most believe it’s just a bunch of hillbilly’s who only care about cattle we are nothing like that. People who join will lean many things not just about agriculture. They will learn about the world around them and improve their quality of character.
The transition from being a child, dependent upon parents for everything, to an independent adult is one of the most stressful times a person will endure. Legally speaking, 18 is the age when you become an adult but the number doesn’t describe the responsibilities and independence you must take on. College is seen as the “big step” into the real world and many people struggle in choosing where to make their transition. I would like to take my “big step” by attending Florida Atlantic University.
In this day and age, less than 2% of people in the United States is involved in the production of food for the remaining 98% of citizens in the country. Among discussions occurring in the 2%, one common topic is a lack of education about agriculture in the general public. Prior to high school, I am ashamed to admit, but I was one of the people who would have answered that my milk came from a grocery store. As a project one year, I went to the grocery store and interviewed shoppers as to their knowledge about agriculture. Many of them had a similar belief as I once had, food starts at the grocery store. Upon my entrance into high school, I quickly became involved in the National FFA Organization. Many of my family members gave me crazy looks
I felt my heart racing, heard my name being called, and suddenly, anxiety turned into elation. Within moments, I was walking across the international stage in Orlando in front of 16,000 people. I had won 5th at DECA Internationals!
A food safety and inspection veterinarian designs and administers animal health programs to prevent and control diseases that can happen between animals and people. In order to do so, they inspect livestock and animal products for major animal diseases. These veterinarians also conduct research to improve animal health and can work for the government in order to enforce food safety regulations ("Summary" U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).
My choice to attend FIU was one of the easier ones I’ve made so far in my academic career. I was drawn to the university as I felt a sense of community here that has only been further enhanced as a legacy, with both my mother and stepfather having completed their Bachelor degrees at this institution. The relationships and connections my parents were able to build here were a testament to FIU’s ability to bring together people from so many different backgrounds and create a family. I experienced an even greater connection as my stepfather found a lifelong friendship and mentor in an FIU staff member and honored him by making him the godfather of one of my younger brothers. Thus, FIU has been a special part of my life even before college was
My interest for science blossomed as a child, my mom is a lab technician and going to her job and seeing them learn all these astonishing things about a person from a simple tube of blood blew me away. In middle school I went to a STEM school, The Academy for Science and Design in order to allow that passion to grow, and from there I have participated in multiple science related research projects that I have been able to bring with me to national level competitions. In addition, in high school I am taking AP level science classes, such as AP Biology, in order to expand my knowledge. Soon I plan on starting to volunteer at the community hospital for an opportunity to gain real world experience in the scientific field. The thing I take most pride