
Un Chien Andalou

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Un Chien Andalou
In Un Chien Andalou (1929), Luis Buñuel uses montage editing to put together a series of surreal images to create what the audience can interpret as a love story. The theme being expressed in Un Chien Andalou is that love is something that is irrational, unexplainable, and considering the fact that it is a surrealist film, love is surreal. Along with the montage technique, I will also discuss Buñuel’s use of camerawork like the long shots used throughout the film, music, acting style, costume (like having the female character read a book in which the same outfit is seen that the male character is wearing), editing techniques such as point of view shots, and, finally, dream and fantasy sequence.
To begin, Buñuel uses montage editing in order to piece together the story he and Salvador Dali have created. His use of montage is …show more content…

R.L Rutsky and Jeffery Geiger, editors of “Film Analysis: A Norton Reader”, stated that, “ Buñuel conflates succession and simultaneity (evolution and continuity) by having images paradoxically comingle and follow each other in succession.” The short film contains a total of five intertitles. After each intertitle, a new segment ensues. Each segment that follows contains surreal images. Starting with the first intertitle, which translates to “Once upon a time,” the male character is seen sharpening his razor, then he steps out onto the balcony to look up at the sky where there is a full moon with sharp like clouds approaching. We then see what the audience can assume is a woman sitting down on the same balcony, although it is never clearly stated if she is sitting or not. The male character then grabs his razor and slits her eye just as the sharp like clouds pass in front of the moon. With this segment, I think what the director is trying to get

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