
Underage Teenage Drinking

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It’s 1:00 AM on a school night and she is finally home. She opens the door quickly but quietly as a creak fills the whole house. Her body feels heavy and as she stomps to her room; she feels as if she is going to puke. She goes to her room and vomits the alcohol from her system and then falls asleep. Alcohol Poisoning can be seen by High School and College students who are under twenty-one and who every so often drink alcohol, and a majority of them drink habitually. “Furthermore, underage college students who drink heavily are more likely to miss class, fall behind in school, sustain an injury, have unplanned or unprotected sex, drive after drinking, or have contact with campus police. (Dedel)” Parental consent of underage drinking should not be allowed because it can lead to alcohol addiction, a loss of health, and driving under the influence.
Drinking alcohol as a teen can many times steer to addiction as an adult. Addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a fixed thing or activity. Alcohol can change the way you feel and …show more content…

Minors are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol rather than adults. Teenage brains are still developing so the alcohol affects their brains differently from how it affects the adult mind. One study showed that teens who had consumed “at least two drinks a day for two years were able to remember 10 percent less on memory tests than non-drinking teenager” (Uschan). The alcohol affected the teenage brain, which was still developing, and it interrupted social and academic advance. On July 27, 2011, police in Las Cruces, New Mexico arrested the father and stepmother of a fifteen-year-old boy who died from alcohol poisoning after drinking with them on July 14” (Uschan).The thought of children being safer drinking at home under parental consent was then proven wrong. If you have over the BAC level of alcohol can give you alcohol poisoning or even kill

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