
Underrepresented In Women's Sports

Decent Essays

For generations, viewers prefer to watch men play sports rather than women. But people occasionally do watch women's sports if the sport involves women wearing revealing clothing and the players is extremely attractive. There is only a small amount of viewers who would not only acknowledge the female player’s appearance, but also their skills. However, men’s sports are more televised than women’s Also women are treated differently physically and mentally.
Women’s sports are underreported and underrepresented in television sports news. In recent studies from Dr. Wayne Wilson states that men’s sports received ninety-five percent of the air time, women only received at least five percent, and gender neutral topics received about one percent of air time. Televised sports news should provide more coverage of existing women’s sports. This statistic points out that women are basically less valuable and less interesting than men.
The reason for why women are underrepresented is because sponsors are unwilling to finance women athletes and teams. According to The Women’s Sport and …show more content…

The huge funding disparity between male and female sport means that women have fewer opportunities to play sport, have suffered from inadequate coaching and facilities compared with those enjoyed by men, and have been paid meagre sums, even for playing international sport. This has damaged the quality of sport and is therefore the attractiveness of the product to fans and broadcasters in two ways. Those that have played have often not been professional, so had less chance to expose their skills and have the lack of financial rewards which means that many players have retired prematurely. This also shows that society sees women as weak, unreliable and unvaluable. The social media is teaching young girls that they have less opportunities and should not work or be involved with

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